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Any topic (writer’s choice)


A briefing note is a short paper that summarizes the most salient issues into an easy to read document. In real-life policy debates, stakeholders require concise, reliable, and up-to-date information on issues that they are confronting in order to achieve their intended policy goals. Briefing notes are required by managers in order to make informed decisions about developing or unforeseen issues. In the public sector, briefings notes are a key form of communications between departmental/ministerial staff and elected officials.


Building on the ideas and research that you completed for the Stakeholder Map, you will draft a two-page briefing note about your chosen topic. Please include your references on a separate page.

Presume that you are a staff person in one of the stakeholder categories below and that you are drafting this briefing note for your direct supervisor who has been invited to speak about your issue live on televisi

Read Instructions

Page One:
- Read Chapter 9: Writing and Spelling & Chapter 10: Vocabulary (Uploaded the pictures for you)
- Watch these two videos:
* Video Link 1: https://explicitinstruction.org/video-elementary/elementary-video-6/
* Video Link 2: https://explicitinstruction.org/video-elementary/elementary-video-4/
- Write two paragraphs and include 4 facts from everything
- Answer this response:
* What resonated with you from the readings / modules etc.?
* What comments /connections did you make?
* What is one thing that you want to incorporate into your instructional practices?

- Textbook reference: Vaughn, S. & Bos, C. S. (2012). Strategies for teaching students with learning and behavior problems (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Page two:
- Read Chapter 11: Mathematics (Uploaded pictures for you)
- Read pages 18-28: ( Will upload this for you later)
Making Sense of Math: How to Help Every Student Become a Mathematical Thinking

Read Instructions

You are creating a CREATIVE PRESENTATION based on the topic: READING FLUENCY

Make sure to follow everything on the rubric that I uploaded for you!!

When completing this presentation include enough research-based strategies, activities, lesson plan examples as if you were teaching the topic to other teachers who are new to it

The presentation takes course participants into further exploration of the topic by going more deeply into information presented in class and in the course text and by bringing other relevant information and resources to light. It is not a review of information in the course text. The purposes of the presentation and its activities are:

To assist class members in processing and applying principles of instruction for that content.

To experience activities during which presenter model/share evidence-based teaching practices.

To facilitate participants in developing a deeper understanding of evidence-based strategies t

In nurses, what is the effect of decreasing patient ratio in comparison to positive orientation on reducing work-related burnout?

This paper is a literature review. I have attached the Pico question above. This paper must be 6 pages long and APA Format. There must be 5 articles used strongly recommended from Pubmed and to be within 3-5 years. An annotated bibliography must be written for each reference used. I have attached the instructions please complete everything.

Training Program on Conflict Resolution

1. Examine HRs role in conflict management and resolution. 2. Identify the process managers and employees should follow to contact HR for cases involving conflict. 3. Evaluate three strategies HR will use to resolve issues involving conflict. 4. Determine the expected benefits/outcomes of having HR involved in resolving interpersonal and/or interdepartmental conflicts.

Must use 3 cited sources.


Develop a PowerPoint presentation. The topic is facilitating
change through collaborative professional learning. (Ch. 11 of the text should be your guide.)
Address the following in your presentation: (at least 10 slides):
Slide 1-2Importance of the topic (IRA/ILA 6.1)
Slide 3-4Teachers as adult learners
Slides 5-6Elements of professional learning that impact student achievement
Slides 7-9 Professional learning as an agent of change (IRA/ILA 6.3)

Multivariate Estimation and Model Fit

Please Complete the Written Assignment AND show the work on the excel sheet. The written assignment and the Excel sheets information should MATCH. Also have an Intro, Conclusion, and References. Please show clearly in the written report the questions from the Case Assignment being answered. 

Multivariate Estimation and Model Fit

Please Complete the Excel Assignment on the excel sheet. Theres 5 Questions that need to be answered. The first Tab gives you the Data to be performed, the 2nd and 3rd Tab have the questions requiring answers based off the data. The References are attached.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to summarize ethics in financial responsibilities and to evaluate ethical considerations of executive compensation by writing a persuasive essay. In your essay, take a position on the following topics, and support it with evidence. Evidence can be facts, statistics, and quotes from scholarly articles, reliable news BBA 4751, Business Ethics 5 sources, or even anecdotal examples from personal experience. You may use any of the readings from this course, or you may find new ones to support your position. At least two pieces of evidence should be used (one for each topic). 1. Do you think executive compensation in its various parts (i.e., salary, stock options, severance packages) funded at the current level is unethical? If

Any topic (writer’s choice)

an astute social worker and professional policy advocate, you must be adept at identifying social problems that exist in your community or in an agency or organization with which you are acquainted. Once you have selected a social problem, you begin the process of creating and implementing a policy that addresses that social problem.
In this assignment, you identify and describe a current social problem. You also identify a policy created and implemented to address the problem. This is the first part of your Social Change Project final assignment.

By Day 7
Complete Part 1 of your Social Change Project.
Address the following items in a 3-4 page paper:

Describe a current social problem. How might this problem be incongruent with social work values/ethics?
How/when has this problem been identified historically, and what were the actions taken to address this concern?
How have the groups affected by this concern changed over time?
Describe the policy area re