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Archive for the ‘Law’
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Money and corruption

Looking forward 5 years into the future, how, in your opinion, will the Money Laundering/Terrorist Financing challenges in relation to corporate crime change or will they stay the same??

thorough online research needed for examples.

The writer can use external sources to support their idea/position and for examples, however, the main source needs to be from these youtube video.


Critically assess whether the availability of patent protection has helped or hindered the international development of a vaccine for COVID-19.

1.    Text (including quotations) must be in Times New Roman 12 point font.
2.    Line spacing must be at least one-andahalf lines; except that indented quotations may have single line spacing.
3.    Margins of at least 2 cm must be used at the top and bottom of the page, and 2.5 cm on the right and left sides of the page.
4.    Footnotes or endnotes must be included within the specified page allowance; each note must be no smaller than 10 point font and must start on a new line.
5.    A bibliography may be added:  this does not count towards the specified page allowance.  No other appendix may be attached.
6.    Pages should be numbered.
7.    Include a list of references after the essay and word count. All sources materials must be referenced using in-text citations and a reference list in the OSCOLA referencing style.
8.    The

How Do Jurors Interpret Highly Technical Evidence, Such as Blood Pattern Analysis?

Pick three articles which have attempted to address the CJ problems you identified your Writing Assignment.  The idea is to examine what has been learned before.  What data did those studies use to address the CJ problem?  Did the authors feel that data was adequate to address the problem?  What conclusions did they make?  Did their analyses find support for their hypotheses?

Write a 3-5 page paper (in APA 7 format) summarizing at least 5 articles what you have learned in the case study.  The chart used in the youtube video makes for a great outline for you to discuss your articles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcN5s501xTk

For this assignment we are going to focus on the case study (BLOCK 5 only of the Research Methods Framework).

Lobbying Plan Marijuana

Your last major assignment is going to be to develop a plan for dealing with the executive branch, legislative leadership, building grassroots, utilizing technology, shaping public opinion, and implementing an electoral action plan.

Part of your grade will be how you integrate these lessons into your plan. Make sure that your plan is balanced and, where asked, include thoughts about the opposition and their activities. You must anticipate what your opposition will do and your grade will be in part how well you demonstrate this.

Things to include in your assignment:

Legislative and Administration Leadership
How will you handle legislative leadership and the executive branch?
What role do you expect them to play in your issue? If negative, how can you manage that? If positive, how will you get them engaged and what do you want them to do?
Who is key to passing your bill? How will you utilize them? How will you influence them? Do they need cover?
Who will


A documentary in Module 4 suggests the police are increasingly behaving as a military unit, while a documentary in Module 6 suggests the police serve as a de facto tax collector. Does either role represent a threat to the legitimacy of the police? Why or why not? What are the incentives that motivate the police towards increasing militarization and increased levying of citations? How could the incentives be reworked to encourage different modes of policing?

To Watch:

Defense attorneys and prosecutors

Without a set of moral guidelines, a criminal justice system cannot accurately meet its populations needs. The systems job is to punish bad behavior and ensure that crime victims are appropriately compensated for their losses, whether that means providing restitution for financial damage or giving them the peace of mind that their attackers, abusers, deceivers and other criminals have been safely removed from society. Ethics are important in such a system because they provide both the accused and the victim with balanced application of justice. This assignment is to focus on the ethics in the courts. You can focus on defense attorneys and prosecutors. This assignments focus is not on police officer ethics, it is courtroom ethics.

Who are you

Who are you? Who and what has shaped you to be the person you are? What makes you unique? No one else is exactly like you, so what is it that makes you different? What sets you apart? What is your purpose in life? Be specific in describing yourself as an educated and morally/ethically successful black man who is potentially about to join the FBI S.W.A.T team and be the most prestigious agent they will have.

Your paper should be 2 full length pages and double-spaced

Border crossing rules and regulations.

The course I'm taking is Border and costal sercurity

The topic for your research paper can be anything pertaining to the border and coastal security. Once you have decided on a topic, develop a research question and hypothesis to support it. There is no need to submit your question and hypothesis for "approval". A minimum of 10 outside references is required.

Paper Format:

Cover Page
Abstract (no more than 150-250 words)
Introduction (include the specific research question and hypothesis which are presented at the end)
Literature Review Critical analysis is the key here
Methodology (This needs to more than a single sentence that states "I used qualitative methods". Take the time to explore what type of qualitative method you used. Content Analysis and Case Study are the two approaches that seem most likely for this course.
Analysis What does your research tell you? What are your conclusions??

Organized Crime

read Chapter 4 in Organized Crime.  You are also required to answer the following questions from that chapter.  Your answers are due Sunday of this week by 6PM. Your answers should be from 5-8 pages (double spaced, 10-12 point font, 1 inch margins).

1) Please discuss the Columbian Drug Cartels from a historical perspective.

2) Please discuss the Medellin and Cali Cartels in general and in terms of operations.

3) Please discuss the decline of the major cartels and current drug activities in Columbia.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Without a set of moral guidelines, a criminal justice system cannot accurately meet its populations needs. The systems job is to punish bad behavior and ensure that crime victims are appropriately compensated for their losses, whether that means providing restitution for financial damage or giving them the peace of mind that their attackers, abusers, deceivers and other criminals have been safely removed from society. Ethics are important in such a system because they provide both the accused and the victim with balanced application of justice.
This assignment is to focus on the ethics in the courts.  You can focus on defense attorneys and prosecutors. This assignments focus is not on police officer ethics, it is courtroom ethics.