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week 8

explain how you, as a leader can influence public policy and opinion.  Cite at least two sources to back up your position.  In other words, how can you influence government and community relations at the local, state, and federal levels?

How can you verify your actions?

Term Project

Each student will be required to complete the term project, which is a research proposal written in an APA Style. The project should have at least 8-10 pages of substance not counting the cover and reference page. Must be free of any and all plagiarism.

Paper must include the following:

Title page
Abstract (100-120 words)
Hypothesis/Problem Statement/Purpose Statement
Literature Review and Definitions included in research
Research methods/design

Discussion forum

Topic: A crisis can be a dangerous situation that provides an opportunity for growth.

Identifying an opportunity for growth in the midst of a crisis can be a challenge for both the person in the crisis and the professional providing therapeutic services. However, the treatment provider has the privilege and responsibility to intervene and influence the schemata of the person in the identified crisis. Identify a developmental, situational, or subjective (existential) crisis, the potential dangers (described in the literature), the opportunity for growth (types: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, volitional), and the common treatment interventions (identified in the literature) that are used to intervene with said crisis.

Any topic

Contact a local community-based agency that delivers substance abuse treatment services to adjudicated populations. Speak to either a therapist or administrator in the organization. During your interview, assess whether the agency is using an empirically-supported treatment or intervention approach or some other approach. Inquire and assess their recidivism rates to compare effectiveness in comparison with other models. Describe in detail the model used by the agency, the rationale for their adoption of that particular model (e.g., evidence based, practical, popular with this particular population, bilingual, etc.), and compare the model adopted by the agency to another one you read about in your texts. Provide hypotheses indicating the extent of effort involved if the agency were to adopt a model other than the one currently using (e.g., training involved, ease of implementation, potential results and impact, etc.).

This paper should be 8 to 12 pages long and should follow APA

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Task: You will write a report on a professional organization in your field and a conference that the organization sponsors.

Format: If you cite the conference or other sources, you should use APA format in
citing the information

Sources: You will cite sources in this paper if you refer to information you obtained
from other sources. There is no minimum or maximum number of sources for this paper.

Purpose: The information you glean from this assignment will help you become more
aware of professional contacts, trends in the field, and perhaps employment opportunities in the field.

Steps to Take in Completing this Assignment
1. Locate at least one professional organization in the field or profession that you plan to pursue.
One way to locate an organization of this nature is to conduct an advanced search on Google. For example, the following screen capture shows a student searching for professional organizations in cybersecurity.


The first part of this final 2-part assignment is to write a clear, concise executive summary that will argue for the increase or decrease in one (1) aspect of either your local county or city budget. If you are going for an increase in taxes for example, be specific. Which particular tax and why? What are the ramifications? How is it a benefit or detriment to the locality? What are the short and long-term impacts?

Prepare this final project for the either the county administrator or the city mayor (please identify real-world name of the person you are preparing this project for - besides the class).
The decision maker has only a limited time to make a decision so your brief should be no more than 5 pages long, double spaced. Your analysis should include a summary of the item you are addressing, your assessment of the current budget for it, your case for its increase/decrease, and finally, the action you recommend. Remember to consider the impact not only on the decision mak


The first part of this final 2-part assignment is to write a clear, concise executive summary that will argue for the increase or decrease in one (1) aspect of either your local county or city budget. If you are going for an increase in taxes for example, be specific. Which particular tax and why? What are the ramifications? How is it a benefit or detriment to the locality? What are the short and long-term impacts?

Prepare this final project for the either the county administrator or the city mayor (please identify real-world name of the person you are preparing this project for - besides the class).
The decision maker has only a limited time to make a decision so your brief should be no more than 5 pages long, double spaced. Your analysis should include a summary of the item you are addressing, your assessment of the current budget for it, your case for its increase/decrease, and finally, the action you recommend. Remember to consider the impact not only on the decision mak


The first part of this final 2-part assignment is to write a clear, concise executive summary that will argue for the increase or decrease in one (1) aspect of either your local county or city budget. If you are going for an increase in taxes for example, be specific. Which particular tax and why? What are the ramifications? How is it a benefit or detriment to the locality? What are the short and long-term impacts?

Prepare this final project for the either the county administrator or the city mayor (please identify real-world name of the person you are preparing this project for - besides the class).
The decision maker has only a limited time to make a decision so your brief should be no more than 5 pages long, double spaced. Your analysis should include a summary of the item you are addressing, your assessment of the current budget for it, your case for its increase/decrease, and finally, the action you recommend. Remember to consider the impact not only on the decision mak

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Find two or three articles in the library that encompass one of the following marketing topics:

Controversy in ads
Lifestyle campaigns
Target marketing
The global view
Emotional advertising
Marketing the economy
Devise your own story that fits in one of the categories listed. Stories should be 250350 words in length and can be written in first or third person.

Please submit your assignment as a Word document in APA format.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Individual Project Rubric

Grading Criteria    Percentage
Deliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer's message and intent are clear.   

Scholarly research that supports the writer's position is properly acknowledged and cited, and direct quotations may not exceed 10% of the word count of the body of the assignment deliverable (excluding tit

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Find two or three articles in the library that encompass one of the following marketing topics:

Controversy in ads
Lifestyle campaigns
Target marketing
The global view
Emotional advertising
Marketing the economy
Devise your own story that fits in one of the categories listed. Stories should be 250350 words in length and can be written in first or third person.

Please submit your assignment as a Word document in APA format.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Individual Project Rubric

Grading Criteria    Percentage
Deliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer's message and intent are clear.   

Scholarly research that supports the writer's position is properly acknowledged and cited, and direct quotations may not exceed 10% of the word count of the body of the assignment deliverable (excluding tit