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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Find two or three articles in the library that encompass one of the following marketing topics:

Controversy in ads
Lifestyle campaigns
Target marketing
The global view
Emotional advertising
Marketing the economy
Devise your own story that fits in one of the categories listed. Stories should be 250350 words in length and can be written in first or third person.

Please submit your assignment as a Word document in APA format.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

Individual Project Rubric

Grading Criteria    Percentage
Deliverable requirements addressed; understanding of material and writer's message and intent are clear.   

Scholarly research that supports the writer's position is properly acknowledged and cited, and direct quotations may not exceed 10% of the word count of the body of the assignment deliverable (excluding tit

Any topic (writer’s choice)

TQM systems and methodology Paper 20%

This is a comparison/contrast paper, comparing and contrasting four quality systems and quality improvement methodologies including the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence management framework, ISO quality system, Six Sigma quality improvement methodology, and Lean quality improvement methodology.

The paper should address:

define each approach,
present the primary benefits/application of the approach,
the limitations of the approach
Requirements for the paper include:

A formal paper in APA format; 7 to 8 pages in length; with at least 4-5 scholarly references.


Pursuing Excellence Final Paper and Presentation 25%

For the final project, you will select an organization, that you have or are currently working in,  that is on a performance excellence journey using the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program Criteria for Performance Excellence, the Business Excellence Framework https://www.nist.gov/baldrige/publications/baldrige-excellence-framework. Your paper should include a brief overview of the organization and the service delivery system, followed by a brief overview of the Baldrige categories. Provide a high level analysis of the organization using the Criteria for Performance Excellence for that industry segment. For each process category (Leadership, Strategic Planning, Customer Focus, Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management, Workforce Focus, and Process), identify 3-5 strengths, and 3-5 opportunities to improve. Finally, include quality improvement recommendations for each of the opportunities identified and provide

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analyse Galileo's "Considerations on the Copernican Opinion" as a response to Bellarmine's concerns and suggestions.

Word limit: 750 (+/- 5%)

You may like to consider the following - but do not discuss more than two:

-- Where and how in the text is Galileo responding directly to Bellarmine?

-- What does Galileo think is the role and import of the New Science he is suggesting?

-- What is Galileo's approach to the particular question of the motion of the earth?

-- What does Galileo think of Bellarmine's suggestion to use Copernicanism "to save the appearances" without "affirming it in reality"?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analyse Galileo's "Considerations on the Copernican Opinion" as a response to Bellarmine's concerns and suggestions.

Word limit: 750 (+/- 5%)

You may like to consider the following - but do not discuss more than two:

-- Where and how in the text is Galileo responding directly to Bellarmine?

-- What does Galileo think is the role and import of the New Science he is suggesting?

-- What is Galileo's approach to the particular question of the motion of the earth?

-- What does Galileo think of Bellarmine's suggestion to use Copernicanism "to save the appearances" without "affirming it in reality"?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Analyse Galileo's "Considerations on the Copernican Opinion" as a response to Bellarmine's concerns and suggestions.

Word limit: 750 (+/- 5%)

You may like to consider the following - but do not discuss more than two:

-- Where and how in the text is Galileo responding directly to Bellarmine?

-- What does Galileo think is the role and import of the New Science he is suggesting?

-- What is Galileo's approach to the particular question of the motion of the earth?

-- What does Galileo think of Bellarmine's suggestion to use Copernicanism "to save the appearances" without "affirming it in reality"?

Risk assessment

Background information:
Young person absconded from his foster care placement on 11.03.2020 and was missing until 17.03.2020, where he self-placed at his friend's place until 03.04.2020 where his friends mum asked him to leave the house. Young person then self-placed on 03.04.2020 with his half-sister and is currently still staying there.  Young person will be turning 18 in September 2020 and wont be in foster care anymore.



1.What is the risk to the young person self-placing with his half-sister?

2. What is the risk mitigation/management strategy (consider strengths protective factors, safety plans, supportive relationships etc)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper
Reference with citation
300-500 word only

Please reply to the below:

The Pursuit of quality

One of the main challenges for small businesses facing rapid growth is maintaining the culture that helped them achieve success in the first place, and one key aspect of this is how to manage performance.  When the whole company fitted into one office, it was easier to manage performance, share ideas and give feedback.  As the company grew, systems were needed to support this process, without inhibiting their innovative and collaborative culture.

Maximo decided some kind of formal process was needed, but wanted to maintain an informal and accessible approach to managing performance.  They introduced performance review software that looked and felt like a computer game colourful, intuitive and user-friendly.  It enabled managers to review employees in the same way they worked, as a team.  Objectives are set by seni


write 400600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Supply and demand represents a fundamental principle of economics, yet it is considered to be more complicated in the application to healthcare goods and services and the healthcare industry. Discuss the following issues related to supply and demand in the economics of healthcare:

What factors are influencing the demand for goods and services in healthcare today?

What factors are influencing the supply of goods and services in healthcare today?

How do advances in medical technology impact healthcare economics and decisions made by healthcare organizations to offer new services and healthcare insurers to pay for them? 

Provide one example.How has the Affordable Care Act impacted the balance of supply and demand

Discuss an event, either recent or in the past, that has changed your thinking about yourself or about the world around you

Discuss an event, either recent or in the past, that has changed your thinking about yourself or about the world around you.
What matters is that your choice captures an epiphany moment when your thinking was changed. You do not need to write about the biggest or most dramatic event of your life, just about an event that impacted your thinking in some way.

Important ideas to consider while drafting:
- What is the point of your narrative? What is your epiphany or a-ha moment? Do you want to make your point directly or imply it?
- How can you build tension to get my reader engaged? What details are important to include? Which, while maybe interesting, are not relevant?
- Where are effective moments to include dialogue?