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Evaluating a Training Program

You have defined your objectives based on a training needs analysis and have designed your training program. For this assignment, recommend a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of your program. In a 35-page paper, complete the following:

Review the topic and objectives of your training program.Select one of the five typology (including ROI) levels you will use to evaluate trainee performance of each objective.Provide your rationale for your decision.Describe the method you would use to evaluate trainee performance of each objective (interview, observation, test, questionnaire, et cetera).Provide specific examples that support your selection.Describe the design you would use for each evaluation (post only, pre-post with control group, time series, et cetera).Provide specific examples and supporting documents.RequirementsWritten communication: Communicate your thoughts in a manner that conveys the overall goals of the assignment and is

Tort Law Senario”

#1 - Mary was crossing the street at a crosswalk. A driver waiting to turn right didn't see Mary and ran her over. Mary suffered no broken bones but had serious sprains and strains as well as injuries to nerves in her arms and legs. Mary now has chronic pain which she says is a cool 4 out of 10 and is manageable. 8 months later, Mary was celebrating her birthday. When she went to blow out her candles, Emeline thought it would be funny to mush Mary's face into the cake. Emeline shoved Mary's head too hard and Mary missed the cake. She ended up hitting her head off the edge of the table resulting in injuries to her neck and shoulders and a concussion. The injuries caused the chronic pain Mary was in to be a constant 11 out of 10. She is suffering from depression and refuses to leave her house. Emeline didn't know that Mary got hit by a car 8 months prior and was unaware of Mary's existing injuries. Mary is now suing Emeline for damages. What tort has Emeline committed? Are there any miti


This is the video: https://youtu.be/UF8uR6Z6KLc
My response is: I will go to the Community College for two years, and then transfer to University College. Might be Interior Design for my major (might transfer to other major, not sure yet). My favorite part of school life is met so many nice people, and have many friends to play game with. Also I Met so many nice teacher, some nice staff in office, also a nice translator for my mom.

Ethical assignment

I need you to do the report of each ethical value of this assignment. I already did half of the assignment , so please follow the instructions on how you do the report ( see the pdf file for rubric and requirements). Also, there is a cover page needed. I already participate in 4 surveys and I wrote the title of each survey. All you need is to see tge description of each survey to get idea about what the survey was about and what did they require from the participant, then choose one ethical value that fit with the survey and write report 150_200 words for each report. Four reports are needed for each survey that I had done. Make sure to follow the requirement of the report please

Tort Law

Find the law's.  And state your reasoning and opinions. Answer in short detailed paragraphs scenario. For each question answer:
Part A- answer the question and
Part B - Make it easier to navigate.

#1 - It's the World Cup and John and Mark are at a bar discussing John's latest get rich quick scheme. John tells Mark that he's coming out with a new clothing line call COACH. Mark tells him that that brand already exists but John says nobody has ever heard of his brand (pronounced QUATCH, like sas QUATCH? Get it?). Mark agrees and says he's onboard. Mark sets up a pop-up shop and starts selling Quatch handbags. An officer walks by and sees the merchandise and goes to charge Mark for selling fake merchandise. Coach also commences a civil action against Mark. What Tort has Mark commited? What defences are available to Mark? Is John liable to Mark for anything?

#2 - After his arrest, Mark retains the services of Boye, Wecheetum & Howe. Harold Boye, tells

Edit/rewrite: Edit/rewrite: project 7comprehensive Medical Conference Presentation

Explain techniques and barriers of effective communication with diverse populations.
Identify patient treatment preferences and effectively communicate treatment options.
Compare decision-making techniques that guide clients, healthcare professionals, and families to make educated decisions on the best course for care.
Apply the principles of therapeutic communication that facilitate interactions between clients and healthcare providers.
Describe the need for compassion in healthcare.
Utilize various communication skills that demonstrate understanding of client privacy and dignity issues.
You are the Community Health Educator at Rassy Medical Center and you must prepare a comprehensive presentation for the next medical conference. Due to the abundance of cases this past year of patient hearing loss due to otitis media with effusion, you have decided to make this illness your core topic.

Prepare a presentation for the conference t

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Response 1
Emerging Trends and Future Challenges In The Field Of Private Security

Global private security market is poised to grow by $58.7B during 2019 2023 according by Technavio (Bloomberg News). The market is driven by concerns about terrorism and crime. Also, rapid urbanization is anticipated to further boost the growth of the market during the forecast period. Concerns about terrorism and crime are leading to an increase in the adoption of private security services by businesses and residential complexes. Having security guards on premises is crucial for corporations as it would be one of the top deterrents of preventing a crime taking place. While corporations and residential complexes may implement other important security measures such as lightning, fences, alarms, and security cameras, it is crucial to have on site security guards or centralized command center. Having proper security guards in place, lowers the risk of a crime and return creates growth in

Course project

Phase II: the Course Project (comprised of Phase I and II) Recommend solutions to the potential weaknesses from either the Aircraft Solutions

In this phase of the project you will include Part I (presumably improved as needed based upon Week 3 feedback) and then you will recommend solutions for the security weaknesses you identified in the Phase I.

Definition of the solution Hardware solutions must include vendor, major specifications with an emphasis on the security features, and location of placement with diagram. Software solutions must include vendor and major specifications, with an emphasis on security features. Policy solutions must include the complete portion of the policy that addresses the weakness identified. Any outsourced solution must include the above details and the critical elements of the service level agreement.

Justification You must address the efficacy of the solution in terms of the identified threats and vulnerabilities; the cost of the

Pick a topic

Pick one topic and write.
1.     People choose to attend college for different reasons. Please provide three reasons why you decided to attend New England Institute of Technology.
2.     Describe your perfect day.   Maybe you like snowy, cold days where you can stay indoors or perhaps your perfect day involves canoeing in a lake and fishing.  Whatever it is, tell us what your day is and why. Please include three elements as to what makes the day perfect for you.
3.     What animal makes the best pet?  Please provide three reasons why.

Hunting and Gathering to Complex Society

Answer these questions how and why did gender roles change between men and women  as agriculture replaced hunting and gathering as main form of food production, and as societies become large and more complex. What changes occurred? Why do you think these changes occurred? Give examples, specific facts, quotes to support your points. Writing the paper requirements write the paper using academic tone and avoid using first -person in the paper such as I, me. Avoid informal colloquial language or expressions.
One paragraph introduction of overview the issue or questions such as the above questions, and a clear  thesis statement. Thesis statement should answer the above questions.
Body paragraph should start with a topic sentence. Topic sentences should define the main themes or ideas that you will discuss in the rest of the paragraph. The author is  Reilly