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What could have been done differently to increase the probability of successfully implementing the strategic change initiative?

Timeframe of our paper for Yahoo is from 2012 to 2017, when Marissa Mayer was CEO.
Timeframe of our paper for Google is from 2015, from the time Google became Alphabet


Please read and answer all the questions in each essay topic carefully. Each essay response should be about 2 pages long.  Each essay is worth 50 points each.

I prefer that you speak in plain language as if you were explaining the subject matter to someone with no experience with the topic. It is permitted to only use our textbook as a source. You may use outside sources if you like, but your own reflections in your own words are preferred.

If you submit work that is not your own, you will receive a zero grade for the assignment and academic discipline may ensue.

Preview of Essay #1

Choose one of the religions we covered in this course. Answer the following questions within your essay.

- What forms of worship, prayer, meditation, or ritual activity are associated with this religion?

- How are the rituals performed?

- Who is the leader or who are the leaders in this religion?

- What types of art, music, dance, or other fo

Adult Vocational Development

The value and meaning of work in adulthood. The social roles and meanings associated with workwhat one does for a living or as a professionare among the most complex and important identities associated with individuals in our society

For this journal assignment, reflect on the substance and theoretical foundation of what you have learned this week about social development, specifically in relation to work and work/life integration. Then write a reflective essay that addresses the following:

Reflect on how ones work and related practices fit into stages of development as theorized by Erikson or Maslow.
Discuss how you would advise a younger colleague or client facing decisions in this realm.

Psychosocial Development

For this journal assignment, reflect on the substance and theoretical foundation of what you have learned this week about psychosexual, moral, emotional, and personality development. Then write a reflective essay that addresses the following:

Comment on how this weeks learning and materials compliment, oppose, and/or affect change in your positions and attitudes on the relevant subject matter.
From this reflection, formulate and articulate three pieces of advice you would offer to a young client or acquaintance who is having difficulties facing these challenging stages and transitions.
How will the recommendations you offered help to ensure successful development along these lines?

Adolescent Cognitive Development

Briefly summarize the main elements of each theorists analysis of cognitive development during the transition from adolescence to early adulthood.
Compare and contrast the two approaches to this critical and difficult stage of development, illustrating in what ways, and with respect to what issues, each approach provides insights and/or exhibits shortcomings.
Compare and contrast cognitive development during adolescence versus early adulthood, evaluating whether and to what extent one or the other stage is more or less amenable to one of the two frameworks examined.
Be sure to integrate terms and research associated with major cognitive theories into your analysis such as egocentrism, inductive reasoning, or fluid/crystalized intelligence.
Your paper should be 1200-1600 words in length and cite and integrate at least two peer-reviewed journal articles.

See instructions please

After the studying the photo of Nowitna River in Alaska (above), answer the following questions:

1) What has happened to the river to produce the topography here?

2) How might the course of the river change over time?  Be specific!

3) Does the river appear to be eroding more prominently on the outside bank of a turn or on the inside bank?  How do you know?

4) Is there evidence of depositional work here?  How do you know?

5) What other fluvial landforms are evident in this photo?  How can you tell?

Each question must be included with its corresponding answer. 

HW 3.2 EcoMap

Look for information on the ecomap. Explore the symbols that compose it. Make a draft of an ecomap taking into account the following case:

The Campos family is made up of Carlos (father), Fernanda (mother), Lisa (7 years old) and Andrs (17 years old). Mrs. Campos recently had a child which represents an addition to the family. Ms. Campos is a teacher in Montgomery County Public Schools and Mr. Campos is a nurse at Holy Cross Hospital.

Andrew, the young man, is attending Wheaton High School and has had behavior problems. Andrs was suspended from school a month ago for involvement in controlled substances and was referred to the juvenile court. Her court hearing is pending, however her mother has obtained a good lawyer.

Mr. Campos and Mrs. Campos are going through a somewhat stressful situation due to the child's birth and Andrs' legal problems. As a result, two weeks ago, Mr. Campos had a small heart attack and had to be hospitalized in an emergency. He is still

To what extent has the civil rights movement, between 1950 and 1970, contributed to a racially just and equal society in the United States?

Using your information, either from notes or spoken in class, as well as from at least 3 of the sources that appear in this document, construct an essay that responds to the debatable answer.  References to the current situation in the US should also appear.

Essay plan:

Word limit: At least 500 words and no more than 1000 words
The arguments may be on the side in which we have positioned ourselves in its entirety, or they may be combined giving more weight to those who reinforce our thesis. Remember that in the introduction it is a good idea to move the centre of the topic from global or general aspects to our particular case, and to work in the opposite way in the conclusion, from specific aspects to global or general concepts.

Suicide Risk Assessment Response

While language of mandated-reporter statutes across the country varies by state, the essence is consistent. As a mandated reporter, a school counselor must make a report if there is suspicion of abuse, neglect, self-harm, or harm to others. One significant difference is to whom the school counselor reports suspicion of abuse, neglect, or harm.

It is vital that school counselors in training understand their state laws(California). Identifying the issue and directing the family to resources are only the first part of the response. Eventually, a student will return to school, and a school counselor plays a vital role in that process. The effects of a crisis, disaster, or trauma can have particular long-term implications for diverse students; therefore, school counselors must be mindful of multicultural considerations in their responses to risk assessment.
Based on the unit readings, the two media resources, and the laws of your state, explain your understanding of suicide risk a

Analysis and Recommendations Part III: Global Political Trends

Prompt: For this milestone, complete Parts 1 and 2 below:
o Part 1: Worksheet Activity
Using the PESTEL Analysis Worksheet, populate the last three rows: India, Middle East, and France. This is the final time that you are expected to fill out the PESTEL Analysis Worksheet. Filling out these rows will help you visualize global values (such as each countrys cultural and political trends) and will assist you as you work toward completion of your final project.
o Part 2: Composition
Write a 2- to 3-page paper that assesses Nimble Storage, using the PESTEL analysis and Hofstedes four cultural dimensions as a guide.
Business Practice Analysis: In this part of the assessment, you will analyze the current business practices of the organization for how they operate globally. Then you will illustrate the potential benefits and challenges to the organization regarding its adoption of a more geocentric focus.
Recommendations: In this part of the assessment, you will compile a ser