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Tobys Behavior Intervention Plan

After reading instructions below be sure to view documents attached. It includes (1) template to follow and (2) the reading assigned to this case to write/answer to. Lastly, (3) the rubric to ensure each part is answered for.

In your last Assignment, you will write a behavior intervention plan to address Tobys presenting concerns utilizing a combination of treatment strategies you have learned throughout this course.

Read the Case Study: Toby (view attached document)

Consider the home/community and school environments. Construct interventions for target behaviors exhibited by Toby that would impact his functionality in the home/community and school environments.

Write a behavior intervention plans for Toby for either the home or school setting incorporating the following:

Provide operational definitions of target behaviors.
Incorporate results of the functional assessment.
Include both short and long-term behavior goals.
Provide the specific

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discuss and Analyze Growth Paths for Corporate Ventures in terms of Markets and Products. Figure 1.1 Discuss each quadrants definition in your own words and provide well researched real world examples for quadrant and why they illustrate the chosen quadrant.

ESSAY # 2 (25 points)
Discuss the roles that must be filled on a Venture Team in your own words. Discuss each role with well researched real world examples.
Essay 3
Discuss the Seven Major Venture Types in your own words. Discuss each type and provide well researched real world examples for each and why they illustrate the chosen Venture Type.

Training Program Design

Training Program Design

For this assignment, recommend a training design for the program you are developing. In a 35-page paper, complete the following:

Review the topic and objectives you developed in the Training Needs Analysis you completed in Unit 3.Identify the appropriate trainer for your program.Will you use an internal employee or an external vendor?Why is your proposed trainer the best fit?Identify methods for transfer of training.How will the trainees acquire new information? Provide details for your instructional strategy. For example, will they see a video or listen to a lecture?Why did you choose this method?Describe how the trainees will practice what they have learned. Provide specific examples for how this will take place.Identify how the trainees will get feedback on their practice. Be specific as to how they will receive direct and individual feedback.Develop a brief lesson plan for this program. Use the sample lesson plan provided in the Resources for g

Interpersonal communications final

Section one 20 Terms (4 points each)
Choose 20 terms. In full sentences please define each as related to our study of Interpersonal Communication and give a relevant example based on interpersonal communication.

2.Cooperative principle
3.Small talk
4.Quality maxim  
5.Quantity maxim
6.Relevancy maxim
7.Manner Maxim
8.Morality maxim
9.Politeness maxim
11.Appreciative listening
12.comprehensive listening
13.evaluative listening
14.empathetic listening
16.supportive responses
18.face threatening acts
19.self disclosure privacy
20.Communication privacy management theory
22.Interpersonal influence
25.pseudo conflict
26.fact conflict
27.value conflict
28.policy conflict
29.ego conflict
33.Elaboration likelihood model

Census Impact on Budgets

Take a look at the US Census website, specifically https://www.census.gov/ and the chart labeled Quick Facts. Once you find your state, (New York) explore the information available.  Choose one of these data sets (click on the i) and explain how it would influence the state budget. How would it influence revenues and expenditures? 

3-5 pages, double-spaced;  minimum 3 scholarly sources

Must be NY


A 500 word reflection paper should summarize the basic arguments, methods, and facts shown in the specific weeks readings. It should consider developing an argument regarding the weeks topic. The final paragraph of your reflection paper should formulate a question, a critic, or a thought that you might want to share with your fellows in class. (Weeks reading is on page 523 on this link: https://archive.org/details/Sociology6Edition/page/n525/mode/2up

Research ethics assignment

part of the assignment participating in for study and I already did I attach info about each study and I complete half of the assignment I need you to selected the approit ethical valus for each study and write report for each study refer to details about how to write report in the pdf attach

English 101

For this next essay you will be analyzing (and describing) Online classes vs non online classes.

Analysis is most often based on effect/cause or comparison and answers a complex, sophisticated question. Looking at the essay "The Free Speech Crisis on Campus Is Worse than People Think" we see the author compare three cultures: Honor, Dignity, and Victimhood. He also draws conclusions on how these cultures effect free speech on American college campuses.

Analysis is something that takes considerable work on the part of the writershowing connections that may not be immediately apparent to a reader and develops a difficult, and at times, controversial conclusion.

Here are the requirements:

1.Choose a subject you are very familiar with to analyzemake sure the subject is something in which you are very interested.

2.Consider what question you will be answering about that subject (remember most analysis is based on comparison or effect/cause

faith week 3


Post a substantive response to Forum prompts by  11:59 PM  Tuesday night.  Include information from the weekly readings to support your response.
Post a substantive response to a minimum of one peer by  11:59 PM  Thursday night .
                    See Online Discussion Forums section of Syllabus for complete instructions.


All organizational behavior and management theories must be analyzed against Biblical truths. If they do not agree, the theory, concept, or practice must be discounted.  Read Matthew 25:14-46 and address the concepts of job design, employee involvement, and reward structures. Address the implications of this passage on the psychological contract between the employee and the employer, internal equity in establishing a pay structure, and the Top Three Benefits of Constructing Effective Organizational Reward Systems.  Then, identify h

describing myself

I need a 2 paragraph essay where it describes me as a person but I need the essay to have figurative language like metaphors, similes, hyperbole, personification, etc. Also assumptions that people make of me. Here are some examples that describe me as a person
- shy
- reserved
- caring
- good at advice
- personal space when needed
- people see me as a mean person because of how serious my face can be at points