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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Ghostwritten Manuscript of Proposal
Students will write a ten minute speech proposing an initiative or plan of action on an issue relevant to the university or local community The speeches will be ghostwritten for a specific individual who would likely address this issue. The manuscript style delivered speech must have an introduction, body with at least 3 points, and a conclusion. Students must cite at least 4 credible sources. Must have manuscript & content sheet


Choose one of the religions we covered this semester. Answer each of the following questions in your essay.

- What are the teachings of this religion regarding God or the divine or unconditioned reality?

- What does this religion say about the afterlife?

- What does this religion teach about ethics (good, bad, right, wrong, how to live)?

- What does this religion teach about people of other religions?

- Do females and males have similar or different roles in religious life?

Be descriptive and specific.

I prefer that you speak in plain language as if you were explaining the subject matter to someone with no experience with the topic. It is permitted to only use our textbook as a source. You may use outside sources if you like, but your own reflections in your own words are preferred.

Your essay should be about 2 pages long, double spaced (40 lines).

Pollution in L.A.

Give a history of pollution and where it comes from. How it can harm the planet and humans. Give history of when pollution started heavy in Los Angeles and how it progress from factories and cars to all kinds of other carbon in the air and where it comes from. A detailed history of the problem of pollution in Los Angeles.

Sustainable Development Goals Kindly do not use Wikipedia sources. Follow instructions below.

Sustainable Development goals. It will focus on Goal number 3 Good health and well being. This paper focuses on Kenya. Especially maternal health and how it has evolved or developed from the 90'sto today.It will analyse every bit of maternal health in Kenya.
Use MLA style.
Kindly avoid Wikipedia sources.
Paper instructions
Paper should have the following.. table of contents, page numbers, text alignment, no grammar-spelling-punctuation-style or related errors, bibliography (more than ten reliable and relevant sources
100%plagiarism free

Chapter 13 review

Read and review Chapter 13 in Juvenile Justice sixth edition by Karen Hess, Christine Orthmann and John Paul Wright

In this response you are to provide 3 key things you learned, 2 ahas or insights (ahas or insights is something that was interesting to you that you did not know), and 1 question that you have related to the reading.  While sounding simple, this assignment is asking you to summarize your reading cognitively and produce those concepts/thoughts that stand out for you.  Additionally, if you ask a question that is clearly answered in the reading, you will identify that you did not complete all of the reading. Grading will focus on you thought process, the summary of the reading, and proper organization and clarity.

Make sure your response is formatted according to the APA requirements.  Point will be deducted for all APA errors.


This weeks discussion requires a critical reading of a newspaper article from the Los Angeles Times and the writing of two paragraphs. One paragraph must be written in third person point of view; the other paragraph must be written in first person point of view.

Paragraph #1:  One summary paragraph written in third person point of view summarizing both positions on the topic/controversy in the article. Make sure to clearly identify the subject of the article in your topic sentence. If you have any questions about third person point of view after viewing the video below, post in the Discussion area.  Zero points for this paragraph if written in second or first person point of view.

Paragraph #2: One paragraph in first person point of view that explains your opinion/position on the topic/controversy presented in the article.  Make sure to clearly express in a general way your opinion/position in the topic sentence. In the remainder of the paragraph present th

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In this genre, the writers goal is to make the reader experience the information. The writer incorporates the senses, such as sound, sight, and even aroma, in conveying a description. Craft a well-written essay describing a place you have visited. Your observation, to be interesting, i.e. to be significant, must be subjective" (qtd. in Stewart). Recall the observations that you have made at a certain place (for example, the ocean), focusing on sounds, smells, and even the local flair and flavor of the place. This is not a narrative that states a sequencing of events, but a pictorial with much imagery.
Criteria for This Assignment
Length and Formatting Requirements
3-4  pages, double spaced
Times New Roman, 12-point font
Content Requirements
Use vivid language. Charles Dickens, known for his descriptive writing effectively uses evocative language to captivate his reading audience. Take note of his use of descriptive language in this excerpt from Great Expectations


Your essay will focus on 5 major theories of business ethics: Ethical Fundamentalism
Rawl's Social Justice Theory
Ethical Relativism
Kantian Ethics
You may select any one of these 5 theories to state your position about the following business ethics question/issue.

You will decide whether you want to use your selected theory to determine whether the business in question has behaved ethically or if the business has not behaved ethically.


A publically traded, pharmaceutical company has miraculously found a medication that extends the life of elderly people by 5 years. This medication only works on people who are over the age of 90.

Once someone reaches the age of 90, if they do not have any type of malignant cancer, the company guarantees that by taking their medication, Vegimind, regardless of the health of the person, they will live to be at least 95 years of age.

Because the United States Food & Drug Ad

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Major summaries and what I would like you to know for Trinidad Lesson 1:

How Trinidad differs from the other islands that we have talked about: Trinidad changed hands many times between European ruling empires giving it a mix of languages, cultures and history from Spanish, French creole (Afro-French) and England. The time of slavery was relatively short in Trinidad.

Trinidad did not suffer as many economic hardships as some other islands. The 1970s created a booming economy. This created less of an oppressive situation for the poor (although not to say that people did and do not suffer hardships)

Important musical genres: refer to slide 35. You are responsible for reviewing the videos on this slide on your own.

Things you need to know:

1) Kalinda stick fighting: this tradition comes from the Congo in Central Africa and is related to other neo African forms in Brazil called "maculele" and Cuba called "mani". Please watch the video: https://www.youtu

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please choose FOUR of the below questions and answer them in essay form.  The answer to EACH question should consist of approximately one page.  Submit the complete document as a whole and not in four parts please. Please be in-depth and detailed with your responses. Include source material in the appropriate APA format.
The essays must be double spaced, with 1 inch margins, in #12 font type.
You must have source material, i.e.: the textbook or other outside sources.
Each response must be in-depth & substantive (300-500 Words)
References from any supportive resource materials must be cited in the narrative and on a separate Bibliography page using the American Psychological Association (APA) format.
Essay Questions
Explain IT Security Infrastructure and why It is important to physical security planning and protection.
Explain business continuity plans and why they are important for business to implement.
Explain what a physi