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Archive for the ‘APA’
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Comparing two cities

Please write a report BASED ON WEBSITE PROVIDED. A major component of a consistent compensation plan is the ability to make sure that employees working in different cities are paid comparable salaries. One of the variables to consider is the cost of living differences between cities. Using this web site (below) calculate differences in pay for two cities:San Diego and Dallas.
Website: www.homefair.com/homefair/calc/salcalc.html Are the numbers the same? Consider the relative validity of each calculation given by the website.

Categorization of Variables of the Organizational Culture at Netflix

For this assignment, you will apply what you know about Watzlawicks iceberg model of communication to analyze the organizational culture at Netflix. To do this, you will write a one-page paper, in which you identify examples of each of the four variables of the organizational culture at Netflix, which are defined in the prompt below. You will find these examples in the following readings and slide deck about Netflix:
Library Article: How Netflix Reinvented HR
Article: The Woman Behind the Netflix Culture Doc
Presentation: Netflix Culture: Freedom & Responsibility
This task provides you with key insights that will assist you in completing Section II: Cultural Analysis Overview of Milestone One. Prompt: Your submission must include these critical elements:
1. Examples from the readings and slide deck of the four variables of the organizational culture at Netflix. The four variables are: observable artifacts, espoused values, enacted values, and basic assumptions, as

Steven Avery Research case paper https://www.innocenceproject.org/cases/steven-avery/

Specifications: You will access the following link to the Innocent Project (https://www.innocenceproject.org/about/). The Innocence Project, founded in 1992 by Peter Neufeld and Barry Scheck at Cardozo School of Law, exonerates the wrongly convicted through DNA testing and reforms the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice. You will the click on the The Cases link located in the upper right area of the webpage. You will then choose a case and write a comprehensive research paper outlining the following criteria. ***YOU MUST COMPLETE EXTERNAL RESEARCH USING SCHOLARLY RESOURCES!! ***SEE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENT FOR THE RUBRIC Criteria Carefully review and analyze the case Address and solve the assigned problem while holding to the standards of the attached rubrics Discuss the implications of the problem with regard to criminal justice professionalism in the performance of duties Explain proposed solutions and their relation to legal principles of criminal or constitution

Diversity management issues on riverbend city simulation.

Describe how The principles of diversity management should be applied to create an environment in which each person feels respected and valued. The scenario is Paul Flanagan who is an officer is transitioning into becoming Paige Flanagan Officer Flanigan sends a memo to everyone in the present informing them about her transition. Ray Who is Paige partner is OK about Paul become an page some officers doesnt feel the community will respect Paul in the transition and that it is not a good look for the department one officer is concerned about Paige being in the locker room with other Female officers knowing Paige use to be Paul.  female officers have asked if Paige can change in a different locker room one officer in particular is concerned about Paige  changing in a womens locker room knowing Paige  used to be Paul and this certain female officer is a sexual abuse survivor. Another officer doesnt think its ok based on religion beliefs but is not judging Paul for transition

Dangers of Small Businesses

Although experts disagree on the exact statistics, the rate of failure for new small businesses is significant. Also, even for established small businesses, the risks to success and survival are great and constantly changing in todays market conditions. Using the information already presented in the course and resources similar to those below, we are asking you to compose a paper expressing what you believe to be the three greatest dangers to a small business and how you would address those problems as a small business owner/manager.
Describe and discuss the dangers of small businesses.
Identify the top three reasons YOU think small businesses struggle.
State your reasoning behind your selection of the issues.
Present your ideas for dealing with those issues.
Your paper should take the form of an academic research document and therefore be in proper APA form.
It should have a clear introduction with thesis, body, and conclusion.

Human tragically

In the introduction of your paper, present a brief paragraph that describes and and explains the importance of of your topic, and its relevance to the criminal justice community and to society.
In the body of your paper, discuss the nature of your topic in detail. Discuss to whom the topic is of direct importance, how it is used, when and how it is used in the courtroom, the actors are that are involved, etc... Discuss any court challenges to the topic and any relevant court rulings. Be sure to use academic, scientific, statistical or government resources to expand information about the topic you select.
Conclude with a summary paragraph highlighting the main points of your topic, and emphasizing the relevance to the criminal justice community.
If you have any question about your topic, contact your instructor before you begin.
The final paper is due by day 1 of Week/Module 15 (April 20).

Heaven or Hell or Prevail (one of the three pick one)

A possible future after the Singularity and defend your choice write a personal opinion essay on one topic on either Hell or Heaven or prevail (not all 3 just one of the 3) and not a footnoted term paper. Word count must be included minimum words 500 and double space

Scotiabank Bahamas

Evaluate the role of an organisations internal capabilities and how these may be structured to attain competitive advantage. 2.Appraise the role and scope of specific business functions and their contribution to an organisations success. 3.Analyse and evaluate the significance of key, cross functional processes essential to the delivery of customer value. You are required to present a written case study that evaluates the way in which the Supply Chain Management process may be used to improve the value of the product or the service to an organisations customers. You are required to explore: the way in which the Supply Chain Management (SCM) process may be used to add value to the product or service delivered by the organisation the way in which the functions explored in the module contribute to the SCM process. The output from this exercise will be a case study that demonstrates your learning from the whole of the module. Supply Chain Management has been chosen as an example of a bus

Poor Access to Quality Maternal Healthcares

Please Use the following conditions

1. Women are dying at an alarming rate

2. Women are experiencing Postpartum

3. Women are committing suicide

Please incorporate these causes:

1. Inadequate Healthcare Coverage
2. Limited Provider Networks
3. Restricted Access to Healthcare Provider benefits
4. Limited Healthcare Service Delivery

Cultural Perspectives

Present a current diversity-related situation or dilemma(Black women and white women in the USA); compare and contrast the cultures involved in the situation; provide a historical perspective; and analyze the contributing factors to the current state of the situation. You will then interpret the effects of the situation on the cultures involved, provide evidence in favor of and opposed to each side of the situation. Finally, you will assess your beliefs and perspectives regarding the situation or dilemma and identify strategies for building inclusion by synthesizing the varying perspectives.
Address complete responses to the following:

Identify a diversity situation or cultural dilemma that is prevalent in todays society that involves more than one cultural group:
What is the diversity situation or cultural dilemma that you chose?
Provide an analysis of the topic, including an historical perspective and the current day situation.
Explain why this is a topic of inter