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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper

Unit 9 Summary Journal Entry
By the end of this unit you need to reflect on the learning experience in the overall module and how you will be able to apply it to your personal and/or professional life.

Write a short (approx 300-500 words) summary to explain:

The key things you learned in this module
Whether your learning from this module has resulted in changed behaviour/ performance/ perspectives, and if so, in what areas - study/ work/ home life? Give specific examples.How they can aid your personal and professional development?
Has it helped your career? How - be specific.
Is there room for further development in any of the topics covered?

Note: I have attached what I have wrote before i

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper

Reference with citation

Please reply to the below

Unit 7 Reading
Unit 7 looks at strategy at corporate level and considers which markets an organisation wishes to compete in and how the corporate parent might add value to its business units.

Using frameworks such as the Ansoff matrix and portfolio matrices, students should endeavour to look at things through the eyes of the CEO of large multi-product, multi-market organisations.

Required Reading

Johnson G, Whittington R, Scholes K, Angwin D and Regnr P (2017) Exploring Strategy (11th edition). Harlow: Pearson.

Chapter 8 - Corporate Strategy and Diversification (pp. 242 - 268)

Unit 8 Reading

Unit 8 is about international strategy and modes of entry into international markets.

Students should consider what drives internationalisation, the variety of approaches available, the trade off between economies of scale and localisation, and how t

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper

Reference with citation

Please reply to the below

Unit 7 Reading

Required Reading

For this unit you should read the following from the core text:

McLaney, E. (2017) Business Finance: Theory and Practice (11th Ed). FT Prentice Hall.

Chapter 13 - Management of Working Capital
Additional Reading

Etiennot, H., Preve, L. A. and Allende V. S. (2012) 'Working Capital Management: An Exploratory Study' in Journal of Applied Finance 22 (1): 162-175.

Unit 8 Reading

Required Reading

For this unit you should read the following from the core text:

McLaney, E. (2017) Business Finance: Theory and Practice (11th Ed). FT Prentice Hall.

Chapter 15 - International Aspects of Business Finance
Additional Reading

Williams, P. (2004) 'The foreign exchange and over-the-counter derivatives markets in the United Kingdom' in Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin 44 (4): 470-484.

how do patients of bipolar disorder behave? are medicines are only way to keep the indivual controlled?

Its going to be my final research term paper.I attached the file how professor wants it to be.Term paper is going to be about bipolar disorder,how the indivudual reacts and how we can diagnose it and is there a way to keep it under control without medication etc. thank you! Its total of 7 pages with everything.

Nodal signaling pathway and congenital heart defects

Primary manuscript analysis assignment: each GRADUATE student will be required to select a primary article studying a signal transduction pathway from a top-tier journal and provide an in-depth analysis of the article. The analysis must include the following components:
1. The complete article reference (Authors, Journal, Volume, Page numbers)
2. A two paragraph description providing the issue being addressed in the article, why it is an important topic, what is generally known about the topic to date (include 4-5 key references), and what question(s) the authors hoped to answer.
3. A list of each technique used  in the article that includes technique name, general purpose of the technique, theory behind the technique, and what the authors found using the technique.
Also include a list of controls used for each experiment and for what each is controlling.
4. A list of conclusions made by the authors from each figure.
5. The overall conclusion of the authors.

psychology linguistic paper

In 6-8 double-spaced pages, take a stance on one of the debates about language evolution listed below, while incorporating the best arguments in favour and opposed to your stance. Like the group presentations, begin by providing the conceptual and empirical history relevant to the debate, and proceed to outline your main argument. Most of the body of the paper should be supporting your claim through primary empirical research. At least one page should outline the primary critique(s) of your stance, and the rest of the paper should be spent countering those critiques before a final summary paragraph or two.
choose one of the topics listed below

Here are the topics:

1. Human language is a communication system that is (or is not) uniquely characterized (i.e. distinguished from all other animal communication systems) by being mildly context sensitive as defined in the Chomsky hierarchy.

2. Human language went (or did not go) through a relatively prolonged proto-lang

Case Study: Medical Malpractice and Liability

must be composed in a 2-page Word document, 12 pt font, double-spaced, and applying APA guidelines.  You must use a minimum of 3 resources and show them on the last, separate, page of your submission listing that page as  "References".  One of the resources/references can be your textbook for this course, then you can have another printed reference source if you prefer and an Internet source, or two Internet resources. Remember you must have a cover page and you must have a separate References page, and you must list your references in the correct APA format and you must supply the URL/Links to each reference, so that when the reader gets to a line you quoted in your paper from one of your resources, they can click that link on your e-reference page and it will take them online to your resource(s).

Your document must address each of the following criteria as outlined in the course textbook:

Professional Liability: Discuss the aspects of criminal and civil


Watch this video https://youtu.be/gD2Om1g3B3o

Write a 2 page Paper on the video you just watched. It should be submitted as Word document, Arial, 12 pt. font. And will automatically receive a grade of zero if not done right. Failure to use the proper font will deduct points. Papers should be written in paragraphs. do not use bullets or numbers. The paper does not require research. therefore write using your own words. The use of quotes, copying someone else's words verbatim is prohibited and will severely hurt your grade. Use what you learn from watching the video and post your own thoughts. Your paper should answer the following questions:

1. When did this style of music start?

2. What are the origins of the music or musicians?

3. Who were the early innovators of the music?

4. What challenges/obstacles were faced by the early innovators of this style of music.

5. During what decade was the music/musician popular?

6. How did the mu

Instructional unit

Instructional Unit: Goals, Objectives, and the Teaching Plans

In a Microsoft Word document of 6-7 pages formatted in APA style, submit your instructional unit, which should include three lesson plans: one focused on patient education, one on family education, and one on staff development. Remember, your plans should demonstrate a logical approach to teaching, communicate what is to be taught and how, and outline how objectives are to be evaluated. Click here for a refresher on what each final lesson should include.

Building on the work that you started in Week 2, for all three groups of learners:

Write two broad instructional goals for the educational experience for each group.
Write two behavioral objectives using the three domains of Blooms taxonomy, for each domain:
Describe the lesson content.
Provide a sequence for teaching activities.
Describe instructional methods.
Indicate time allotted for each activi


Book : Educational Psychology 13 or 14 edition

CITE from the textbook at least twice per question to support the writing. (If textbook has no page numbers list the section of the book which you cited)

Journal with no citation, will automatically receive 1/2 credit or less for this assignment.

Question 1: Chapter 12

12.4  Beliefs About Causes and Control: Attribution Theory

In this video, observe the teachers interactions with students who struggle. Consider the ways he helps students deal with difficulties during learning activities in the classroom. He does not attribute their struggles to inability. How might his encouragement affect their attributions about success or failure? How might it affect their beliefs about their self-worth? (Cut a past link below into your browser)

