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Compensation, benefits and safety

After exploring the role of Human Resource Management and its various requirements, it's now time to demonstrate that you can apply these concepts in your own chosen industry or career path! Late work will lose 10% each day.  You may consider researching how other organizations have managed these core HRM policies, practices and procedures.  Specifically, consider what you have learned over this first few chapters and write an essay that explores in detail:

the typical balance of base pay (salary or hourly wages) and variable (incentive) pay for common jobs in this industry or career path
how managers can use an incentive plan to drive the desired behaviors and results in your  industry or career path (with specific examples for multiple common jobs)
any unusual or innovative benefits that organizations in your industry or career path may offer
workplace safety or health concerns that may be known in this industry or career path, and how managers and HR

American history

Provide a footnote citations for any sources you quote, and complete bibliography/listing of all sources. You consulted at the end of the assignment. If you use text verbatim you must provide quotations marks and a footnote. If you paraphrase material which is not your original work you should also provide a footnote ( quotation marks would not be needed in that case) and the source would be listed at the end. If you do use outside sources you must footnote quotations and include such sources in your listing at the end of the assignment.2 pages each essay, total 6 pages

American history

Provide a footnote citations for any sources you quote, and complete bibliography/listing of all sources. You consulted at the end of the assignment. If you use text verbatim you must provide quotations marks and a footnote. If you paraphrase material which is not your original work you should also provide a footnote ( quotation marks would not be needed in that case) and the source would be listed at the end. If you do use outside sources you must footnote quotations and include such sources in your listing at the end of the assignment. 2 pages each essay 6 in total.

American history

Provide a footnote citations for any sources you quote, and complete bibliography/listing of all sources. You consulted at the end of the assignment. If you use text verbatim you must provide quotations marks and a footnote. If you paraphrase material which is not your original work you should also provide a footnote ( quotation marks would not be needed in that case) and the source would be listed at the end. If you do use outside sources you must footnote quotations and include such sources in your listing at the end of the assignment.

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Dear, I'm very sorry, because of the influence of novel coronavirus, I had to cancel the order and did not complete the payment. I just asked the customer service. I need to create a new order. I am willing to pay the rest except the previous $18.68. Could you please send me the rest of the paper?


Dear, I am very sorry, because of the influence of novel coronavirus, I had to cancel the order and did not complete the payment. I just asked customer service. I am willing to pay the rest. Could you please send me the rest of the paper?

Annotated bibliography

European expansion during the Age of Discover and the Columbian Exchange search for four academic secondary sources on this civilization. search for one primary source on this civilization. write in a few sentences the importance of the source or the usefulness of the source. For example, what can we learn from using this source?

Criminology, Victimology and Restorative Justice

In what ways would understanding the causes of crime aid offenders in the restorative justice process? use examples of criminology theories. How do restorative justice principles aid in providing justice for victims? How does restorative justice aim to serve society better than the traditional, adversarial model of justice?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In the SANS IT article in the Unit 6 content forum, the author discusses Denial of Service Attacks and how destructive these network intrusions can be for an organization of any size.

For this discussion:

1.) Explain the steps a security manager can take to protect against these attacks to a businesss server.  Please be specific!

2.) Describe the challenges security officers face when these attacks occur. Consider the type of business affected by the attack, how they protect their data, product, etc.

DISCUSSION 4 Student responses-NUTRITION

Please respond to two students for
Previous discussion completed I posted the wrong responses thanks

Student 1:-ERIN M.-This chapter's Nutrition in Practice it was discussed that researchers found vegetarians to be closer to a healthier body weight than meat eaters. One of the reasons this may be true is that a vegetarian diet can be generally lower in saturated fat. Consuming high amounts of saturated fats has many adverse side effects on the heart. Obesity can be found in some individuals who eat a vegetarian diet, especially in those who are consuming a high amount of fat. One of the best ways to monitor this is to make sure there is a variety of nutrients being consumed. If I were to switch to a vegetarian diet I would utilize either myplate, writing it down in a journal or a nutrition tracking app. If there is something missing or Im not eating enough, I would be able to see it in a tangible form. I also think the phrase eat the rainbow is very applicable to this. When