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Write an opinion essay. You will select students in elementary school should switch classes for for different subjects or students in elementary school should not switch classes for different subjects as your thesis statement and all three reasons. Make sure your elaboration connects with your reasons

Treatment facility presentation

Create a promotional presentation (video,slide show, other) for a new treatment facility in your town. The names and specifics can be fictitious, but the general feel of overall operations and treatment interventions must be based on best practices and research. The idea is you use the readings and some additional research to conceptualize what kind of facility your town needs and how to garner attention to help with community acceptance and funding. This assignment will be presented in class and should be 10-15 minutes in length. The highlight of your new facility will be the incorporation of an international flair that includes Wellness and/or Healing ritual(s) found in other countries as they relate to the content of this course. You are asked to highlight one of these practices in your presentation and can take up to 5-7 minutes.

Opinion letter

Scenario: A potential client comes to your office and says they'd been terminated from a large courier company for allegedly violating the Zero Tolerance Drug and Alcohol Policy. He allegedly brought a bottle of vodka to work and shared it among his co-workers. He wants to start a claim for wrongful termination against the company. Please draft an opinion letter advising the potential client of the issues and laws that may apply to his situation.

*Please include at least one case that can support your position and at least one case that can work against your position.*

Any cases in Ontario, Canada thank you very much.

Stereotypes in the workplace

In Modules 3 and 5 you were asked to begin the preliminary work for your research paper. For this assignment, you are to complete writing a 5-page academic essay paper on the topic you selected in Module 3. Note this is not a letter to a president.  This is a research business paper.  This means it should written in formal English, your statements should be supported with evidence, and should give you an opportunity to apply concepts and theory learned in class.

For your research paper, be sure to include:

Title page (not included in the 5-page limit)
Introduction: a brief overview of topic selected, including why this topic is of importance to organizations (you may reuse the rationale in paper M3A1, but you need to edit the language to fit the introduction of your essay. Include a thesis statement/purpose for the paper.
Body of research paper: Develop the outline that you designed in M5A1. Make sure to use in-text citations in APA style.
Conclusion: W


Please write a report. A major component of a consistent compensation plan is the ability to make sure that  employees working in different cities are paid comparable salaries. One of the variables to consider is the cost of living differences between cities. Using this web site (below) calculate differences in pay for two cities:


Are the numbers the same for the two web sites? Consider the relative validity of each calculation given by the website.

Quality df

Part one:
How is quality of care measured?

By now you should all have a conceptual picture of how quality of care is measured. It is an art in itself to have the open-minded perspective of identifying trends as tracked via adverse event reporting and not to have a closed-mind perspective focusing on any one event that occurs.
Using your assigned readings within your textbook and your reading assignments, let's discuss how quality is actually measured.

ALL DISCUSSION FORUMS are to have references supporting the discussion content of fact. Opinions will not hold any weight.

Part two:
Ask three questions with content. Meaning ask and respond.  Cant be a closed questions. Cite and reference


Step 1 Read each of the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: Helen has recently graduated from nursing school and passed her boards. Last week, she completed her orientation period on the medical nursing unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital.
Scenario 2: Paul is a registered nurse in the neurosurgery unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital. He has been a staff nurse for ten years and provides direct patient care. In addition, Paul chairs the unit's nursing council to improve patient care.
Scenario 3: Lisa is a nurse manager and leads the medical intensive care unit and surgical intensive care unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital. She is responsible for the day-to-day operations, staff adherence to policies and procedures, staffing, and payroll.
Step 2 Explain the role of the nurse with respect to informatics in each scenario. Write a one- to two-page paper in which you discuss the role of each nurse in informatics. Use the following questions as guidelines:


Resort and Club Management Industry News Article

Find and read an online current trend news article in terms of Resort and Club Management Industry and write the summary and reflection of news article.

Summarize the whole story of current news article.
State your reaction or reflection to each of news article in terms of hospitality and tourism industry.
Lastly, based on your reading of your news article, provide one in-depth question and response your question as well.
The news article website or link should be included.

Summary (at least 300 words)

14 pts

Reaction/Reflection (at least 300 words)

14 pts

One In-depth question and answer

6 pts


Cover page
Times New Roman font size 12
One-inch margins on all four sides of the page
APA style for any references if necessary
4 pts

News article website or link

2 pts

Here is one of the methods to find the article:

Simply type in followings: country cl

Active shooter policies

Write a 250-350 word paper that describes the policy-making steps and analyzes the current status for active shooter policies for Public policies for juvenile justice / Health allied agencies.  For issues that are still in progress, comment on what will have to take place for the process to be resolved for. 

Case study

For this assignment, you will be asked to read a case study and then answer some questions related to the case.  This case deals with making decisions under pressure, especially when information is insufficient.

The Case

Authors: Lauren Ankeles, Marine Lea Graham, Roberta Pittore and Priyanka Ramamurthy

From:  MIT Sloane

After 11 months of planning, the Sloan Women in Management (SWIM) club co-presidents and two conference directors faced a difficult decision. The club's 3rd annual conference, aptly named "Dare to Fail: Taking Risks When it Matters Most", was scheduled to begin around the time a winter storm, fortified with up to 50 inches of snow, was predicted to hit the Boston area. At 2:00pm the day before the conference was to begin, the leadership team needed to decide whether the show would go on, be modified, or be canceled altogether.

How could a sunny February afternoon take such a turn for the worse? The clock ticked in the MIT Sl