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Quality df

Part one:
What kind of leader have you experienced?
State some examples in which leaders you have worked for have exhibited leadership practices discussed in this chapter. Can you provide examples for which they have or have not? How did their behavior affect you and your coworkers? Reference and cite

Part two:
Ask three questions with content. Meaning ask question and give definition. Reference and cite

Managed care df

Part one:
What is COBRA (and I don't mean the snake; I don't like snakes!)?

Discuss the federal insurance mandate that was enacted as part of the 1986 Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). COBRA allows individuals to apply to maintain their health insurance after the termination from their position. What are the advantages and disadvantages to this to the individual?
Please support your posts with reference and citations within the content.
Part two;
Ask three questions with content. Meaning ask a question and have a definition. Reference and citations needed too

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write an  Inviting  paper tell people ages from 20-30 introducing this garden to them , what they have and why they should visit it. This will be used in a Brochure for this garden. Find all the information at their website  (https://m.usbg.gov/) United States Botanic Garden

business finance

Professional paper
Reference with citation
1500-2000 word only

Please reply to the below:

End of Module Project

Throughout this Business Finance module we have focused on investment and financing from a risk based perspective with an emphasis on the shareholders of the company.

This End of Module Project allows you to bring together several aspects of the module in a holistic manner.

Select a company of your choice and obtain their latest annual report (this can be one you work for, are familiar with or one you have an interest in). Ensure your chosen company will enable you to meet all of the criteria below.

There are lots of companies to choose from and normally their annual reports are available easily from the company's web site. if you are struggling for a suitable company, just have a look at the Financial Times (either hard copy or on the web) where you will see a comprehensive list of company names that are listed on the FTSE,

business strategy

Professional paper
Reference with citation
1500-2000 word only

Please reply to the below:

End of Module Project
You need to submit your End of Module Project before the end of Unit 9.

Assignment Question

Read the case about H&M (pp. 576 - 583 of the core text) and then answer the following three questions, which carry equal weightings:

1. Conduct a formal situational analysis for H&M using the following strategy tools: PESTLE, 5 Forces, Strategic Capabilities, and VRIO. Put the raw analyses in appendices and use the main body of your report to explain the main outputs of your analyses and the implications of the situational analysis for H&M.

2. Using the TOWS Matrix (Figure 4.7 on p119 of the core text), identify the strategic options facing H&M. Put your raw analysis in an appendix and use the main body of your report to answer the question.

You may also find the following article useful: Weihrich, H

Early adulthood

Module 4 Assignment 1: Early Adulthood Academic Essay
The purpose of this assignment is to further your understanding of early adulthood and the various challenges faced by those in this developmental stage.

Respond to either Option A or Option B. Use the Essay Rubric to guide your essay writing.

A) Please watch It's About Time We Stopped Shaming Millenials in its entirely. As you write you essay, answer these questions:
If you are not part of the millennial generation or generationZ, how do the challenges of today's young adult differ from the challenges faced by your own generation? How are the challenges similar? If you are a part of this generation or generation z, how accurate was this documentary regarding the challenge of your generation? Please provide specific examples from your own experience and observation throughout the essay. What important challenges were left out? What does it mean to you (regardless of which generation yo

multimodality communication (video analysis)

This paper asks to analyze the video which belong to multimodal communication by using Social Semiotic approach to analyze. the following are what should be covered:
A question about multimodal communication, with reference to some relevant literature
Information about how you set out to explore that question
Presentation and description of the piece(s) of data you will be discussing
Systematic, detailed analysis of the data
Discussion of the findings of your analysis, in view of your question.

Video to analyze: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=Xj1nUFFVK1E&feature=emb_title

multimodality communication (video analysis)

This paper asks to analyze the video which belong to multimodal communication by using Social Semiotic approach to analyze. the following are what should be covered:
A question about multimodal communication, with reference to some relevant literature
Information about how you set out to explore that question
Presentation and description of the piece(s) of data you will be discussing
Systematic, detailed analysis of the data
Discussion of the findings of your analysis, in view of your question.

Wooley’s Western Bias in Excavation at the Royal Cemetery of Ur

In this research paper I would like you to only use the sources I provide. Please select two burial contects to focus on in Wooley's excavations of the royal cemetery of Ur. Look into Wooleys interpretations of less wealthy death pits. Aim to display if is there a common string of interpretation. I would like the focus of the paper to be on wooley's western bias while conducting his excavation. Please include a dialouge with the author (Wooley) and his bias. Begin with the problem you want to explore (his western biases) and try not to write too much basic preliminary information (less orienting is more, assume the reader is already familiar with the topic). The Zettler catalogue questions about the unusual or  underappreciated burial contexts, articulate western biases. Please refer to the writing tools I attach, as the professor is looking for a very specific concise style (see Lanham doc).

Zettler: https://www.worldcat.org/title/treasures-from-the-royal-tombs-of-ur/oclc/

Industry Analysis

Required Format:
Estimate about 24+ pages
12-point font
1.5 line spacing
Expecting numerous tables and figures
Raw data does not count
Utilize the tools and framework to identify, describe, analyze and draw conclusions on a particular industry or sub-industry (strategic group).
Company list should be 3 companies (In technology industry, for example Apple, Huawei and Amazon)
Focus on an industry or if the industry is too broad a strategic group / sub-segment of the industry
Choose one of these companies to be a benchmark company.