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Week 2 – Assignment: Assess the Decision-Making Process and Interpret Professional Standards in Education

This week, please consider a work-related decision that will need to be made soon at your educational organization.

It should not be:

A decision that involves personal, family, confidential, or non-education-related matters.
A decision that only involves a yes/no answer or simple alternatives such as whether to hold next years play day outside or in the gymnasium.
A decision that only involves you or very few people.
A decision that can be made quickly.
A decision that is not a major concern and has no consequences or only minimal consequences.
It should be:

A decision you will need to make while working in education or a decision that an acquaintance who works in education will need to make.
A decision where there are multiple options being considered.
A decision that will involve multiple stakeholders like administrators, teachers, parents, the community, etc. These are just suggested stakeholders.
A decision that will take significant tim

M4A2: Lab: Identifying the Scope of Your States Data and Security Breach Notification Law


The United States does not have a unified data privacy law at the national level as, for example, many countries in Europe do. Laws such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) are comprehensive and effective, but only protect consumers in a single industry.

So, what if an individuals private data is subjected to a security breach not covered by HIPAA or GLBA? Without an overarching federal mandate in effect, a company that discovered its data had been compromised is not compelled to notify all the affected individuals. Notification, and possible liability to provide identity theft protection, comes only in laws including mandated security breach notifications. To bridge the gap in privacy protection, most states have enacted their own privacy laws.

With the help of the Internet, you can research these gaps and find out what your state does to protect your privacy. For instance, the purpose o


Odysseus is ever described as a man of many wiles, and he often lies.  Is it possible to make sense out of the narrative of the Odyssey if we were to assume that every supernatural adventure Odysseus narrates in the Great Wanderings (Books 9-12) is a lie?  Are there any elements of those stories that are vouched for by "Homer" as the narrator of the Odyssey?  Conversely, in the sections of the later books, when we as readers know that Odysseus is lying to Eumaios, Euryclea, and Penelope about his identity, his stories are totally devoid of all fairy-tale elements, and are completely plausible, though in fact false. Can you work out any consistent standard to judge when Odysseus is telling the truth and when he may be lying?  And in a different, though related direction, when, in Book 24, Odysseus encounters his father Laertes, there is no longer any danger, and no longer any need for Odysseus to be careful or deceitful;  why then does the bard make Odysseus dec

Short Paper: Analysis of the Breach Notification Law Letter

Required Resources

    Complete the Module Notes: Federal and State Laws on Information Security and Breach Notification

Assignment Requirements

Using the library and other available Internet sources, search for an example of an official breach notification letter. Analyze the notification letter. Write a summary of your findings. The summary must include:

    The specific laws alleged to have been violated in the breach notification letter
    The roles/responsibilities each department possesses in relation to the breach based on your state-specific data breach policy
    An appropriate response to the specific breach notification letter to be sent to the victims of the data breach

Argonautika, Jason

In his celebrated essay Short on Heroics, the classicist J.F. Carspecken states that Jason is chosen leader because his superior declines the honour, subordinate to his comrades, except once, in every trial of strength, skill or courage, a great warrior only with the help of magical charms, jealous of honour but incapable of asserting it, passive in the face of crisis, timid and confused before trouble, tearful at insult, easily despondent, gracefully treacherous in his dealings with the love-sick Medea.
Such a reading of Jason's character prompts one to question just what a hero is.  We have seen several different examples of them throughout our reading, yet Apollonius Argonautica clearly challenges these pre-existing notions both of what heroic conduct is and how heroic character is revealed.  How then does the heroism of Jason stand in relationship to that of, say, Odysseus?  How does it stand to that of Heracles?  How do these different characters reveal thei


A 5 to 6 page Final Course written assignment, the creation of a Trifold Brochure and a Reflection paper will be completed. For this written assignment, other than Diabetes and Hypertension students will self identify a disease of interest, the disease can either address either a National disease or a disease found within the United States or an International disease or a disease found within the greater Global community. To facilitate completion of the NURS 3315 Final Course written assignment, the general written instructions, the scaffolding approach to writing, Academic Writer, 2 biomedical research studies, 2 scholarly peer reviewed nursing journal articles published within the last 5 years as well as 2 peer reviewed major Internet websites, the textbook readings, Pearson presentations, the 6th edition APA manual, Turn it in Revision Assistant and Turn it in will be utilized.
Step 1 Writing Section: Introduction to either a National or International Disease

Gather and re

Week 1 Assignment: Analyze Leadership Theories and Best Practices, and Develop a Personal Philosophy of Leadership

This week, you will write a reflection that responds to the following prompts:

Imagine that you are in charge of an educational organization that provides training to diverse adults who are learning skilled trades. Your organization is for-profit. The students are dissatisfied and staff morale is low. You need to exercise leadership in a way that will turn the situation around.

Using the assigned material and additional credible sources of your choice, explain which leadership theory or theories below you would use to correct the situation. Give reasons for your choice(s).

Situational leadership
Transformational leadership
Transactional leadership
Servant leadership
Next, instead of a for-profit organization, assume that the training was taking place in the military. Would your answer change? Explain how and why.

Now, assume that the entity providing the training was faith-based. How would your answer change? Justify your answer.

Which th

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Distribution and E-Marketing Ethics in the Marketing Mix
Watch this week's video: Selecting Distribution Channels

1.What is the company's market penetration strategy (intensive, selective, etc.), and how do the channels being used reflect that strategy?
Do the channels being used reflect a push or pull distribution strategy?
2.Which of the channels being used do you believe are most profitable, given their relative costs? Which of the channels being used do you believe are not as profitable as others but are still necessary to maintain market coverage?
3 How much control does the company need over its channels (0-level, 1-level, 2-level, 3-level, multichannel, etc.)?
4.How is this need for control reflected in the channels being used?

Please follow APA 6th edition guidelines, including a cover page, references page, in-text citations, Times 12-point font, double spacing, running head, page numbers, and so forth.

Outline for Order#165254397

For this research writing assignment, you are to select one of the 45 topics listed below. Once you select your topic you must report on that subject in as much detail as possible.  (HAS MODERN TECHNOLOGY MADE THE SOCIETY BETTER??)

Writing your Sociology Essay
1.    Formulate a strong thesis. If you fail to write a good thesis statement, the rest of your college essay is likely to be vague. Your thesis must be debatable and tightly focused so that it can be clearly supported by the evidence you gather for your sociology academic paper.

2.    Make a detailed outline for the rest of your sociology essay paper. Make sure that each part of your sociology essay supports the thesis you have formulated. Indicate the topic for each paragraph or section. Include references to your sources.

3.    Write your essay introduction and conclusion. Your introductory paragraph should be concise and focused. To make it more interesting, use a spe

Sociological Organizations Research

This project asks you to contact or conduct online research to located ten (10) different organizations dealing with social issues, see if you can find any that directly or indirectly affects marriage and the family.  If not any 10 organizations will do.  They can be local, national or international.

Report the following information about the organizations you selected:  NOTE: (Please provide detail information, use complete sentences and watch your grammar and spelling). You can answer the questions in one or two paragraphs.  As long as you listed the full information for each organization, citations or a references page isnt necessary. The following information must be present for all ten (10) organizations in order to receive credit. 

a.    What is the name, address, website address and phone number of the organization? 

b.    Who started the organization? When and why? (Provide historical background informatio