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Archive for the ‘APA’
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An Inconvenient Truth 2006

Required Movie #1:  "An Inconvenient Truth" 2006 (1 hour, 36 minutes)

One of the pivotal turning points that led to a change in public consensus on Climate Change was the airing of the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" in 2006.  It provides straightforward explanations for global warming and the science behind Climate Change.  It also addresses several commonly held Climate Denier Myths. If you have seen this movie before, it is still important to watch because you can focus more in depth on the science concepts that are discussed.  Even though the movie is now 14 years old, the science has been well documented for decades and the arguments are still the same.  This movie laid the groundwork for teachers and educators around the globe to present the basic facts and spread the science to their communities.  Gore's more rec

Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers Humanistic Theories

In order to complete this assignment you must do ALL of the following:

Write an academic research paper in proper APA format that is at least 3 pages long, not including title and reference pages.

1) Maslow and Rogers are both Humanistic theorists and their theories have some concepts in common, such as self-actualization, but they also differ in some respects.  For this assignment you will need to do all of the following: 

a) Describe and discuss one aspect, other than self-actualization, of Maslows theory and one aspect, other than self-actualization, of Rogers theory and state how they are similar and how they are not alike.

b) state which of these aspects of the theories you think has more validity and give at least 2 reasons for your thinking.

c) discuss the similarities and differences between the two theorists definitions of self-actualization and state which you find to be more valid.  Give at least 2 reasons for your thinking

Melting Pot or Civil War

In this Discussion Read Chapters 4,5,6 and the Conclusion

Consider Salam's perspective on immigrant labor and his case against open borders.  Identify something in his chapter and/or his conclusion that you question or support and offer your commentary.

Make sure quote and properly cite 2 of the items discussed above

Explain what the meaning of education is and what is the significance of an education in your life?

Think critically and reflect on the following categories:

What was the purpose of your education?  Why were you sent to school?
What did your teachers teach you about the world?  When?  How?  Why?
Was your experience in schools good?  How do you know?

1. Develop alternatives and reflect on positive and negative learning / teaching experiences.
2. Reflect on how the events you have written about shaped and will shape your experiences as a learner and professional practitioner.
3. Critically reflect on how others (adults, peers etc.) shaped and / or influenced you as a learner - teacher.
4. Reasons you have chosen to go into your chosen profession and what you hope to accomplish.

As you are writing, it is important to consider both the intentional and unintentional learning (e.g. hidden values, messages, rules, beliefs) that impact your beliefs and values regarding school.
You will be writing about your personal experie


Select minimally two points, from the lecture on Oedipus, and elaborate on how they manifest and impact the storytelling.

That is, contextualize the moment in the plot where you recognize this specific element/device, and using textual support, unpack how Sophocles represents the tragic thematic in the narrative.

lecture on Oedipus is in this ppt

Public Health Sciences

In this Assignment, you will develop a mini-proposal to secure funding or agreements with other agencies for your health issue. You may approach this Assignment from one of several perspectives.

Please incorporate plant-based organic healthy lifestyle concepts and helping advance population health for those suffering from disability and chronic disease.

For example, if you are seeking funding, your proposal might be specific to a study you want to complete or a project you envision within your organization, or it might be a formal request for a new program initiative in the form of a grant proposal or contract.

If you want to focus on interagency projects, you may structure your Assignment in the form of a Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Long-term Care Environment Read the Case Study on pages 184-185 and answer the questions, Was Edenizing a mistake? If not, how could the nursing home administrator have prevented the deficiencies while also edenizing the facility? (two paragraphs with five sentences each).  Due 4/9/2020.
Singh, D. A. (2016). Effective management of long-term care facilities (Third ed.). Burlington,
MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Demonstrate an evidence-based approach to public health practice.
Implement leadership, administrative, and communication skills through planning. organization, administration, and evaluation of public health programs and processes.

You will be asked to draft and send an e-mail to first year Public Health graduate students. The e-mail will provide a brief overview of your area of interest and include a short presentation that covers your area or interest - What is the issue?

Why is it important? What are the possible solutions? How does the student see your role in public health related to the issue / topic over the next several years?
In your email, you should introduce yourself and discuss your interests in relation to public health.

You will identify the health issue, health policy, and potential barriers and solutions. You will then cover your professional goals/objectives in relation to the health issue/health policy and describe how you

Reflection Paper on Teaching English Second Language

Write a proposal paper to the superintendent discussing how ESL should be taught in comparison to a district that does a poor job teaching ESL. Discuss how you have witnessed ESL taught and how effective it is, and add based from your learnings in class what can you propose to be changed in the program to give students a better learning experience.

Must include evidence from text and

Part 1: Introduction
- Student describes and reflects their prior teaching experience in their country explanation of specific political/sociocultural explanations needed here
- Student describes what a typical ESL classroom looked like when they were teaching

Part 2: Applying Theory from Class
Description of the similarities and differences between what they learned in this class and their professional experiences

Student refers to and cites at least 3 theories or strategies discussed in class

Student explains how these theories/strategies can benefit thei

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Discussion Post:
As I cover in the PowerPoint and you can see from the videos, "technology" means WAY more than just iPhones and computers. Flutes, stone tools, even fire count as forms of technology.
1. For this week's discussion, think of a prehistoric technology, and imagine what life today might be like if it had never been invented (tip: look at the end of the PowerPoint for the week for a list of ancient tech.) Write your reflection in the comments. Is this a new way of thinking about technology for you?
As usual, reply to the comments of some of your peers.

Reply to Classmate 1:
I think it is really interesting to see how technology plays such a vital roll in the universe. Everything in a sense is technology. I think one of the coolest thing to me was seeing how language was considered technology. Throughout time, different regions and areas had completely opposing languages and barriers. Where did these begin? How did people just seem to inherently know