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Archive for the ‘Harvard Referencing’
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Models & Experiences of Disabilities

Discuss a range of theories and models relevant to disability and how they may help or hinder current real world issues in relation to the topic.

Part one:

1 Identify and explain a range of theories and models relevant to disability.
2 Demonstrate an understanding of inequality and discrimination.
3 Recognise and understand how cultural and social systems can influence personal values.
4 Analyse service user narratives to understand their life experiences.

Part two - Case Study:

5 Critically evaluate approaches and solutions to a given case scenario.
6 Investigate real world issues in supporting service user's disabilities.

*Harvard Referencing with a mixture of books, journals and credible updated websites to current situation.
*English UK literature writing.

Dissemination Planning/working Schedule

If you don't know what a dissemination plan is please do not apply.

Firstly read the attached file and then based write a brief dissemination plan.
Please note that once the dissertation is conducted we will be uploaded to my own webpage as well as the universities archives. It will be uploaded at the end of January.

then write a brief work schedule starting next week and ideally finishing mid to late August. In the schedule you would outline how do you go about conducting the dissertation. There should be targets for each portion example half of the methodology section be done come August or middle of August, but these targets should be fluent and flexible. The first week's should just be laying/ picking out the main parts that are
going to be talked about in the dissertation as well as allocate enough time for reading around the subject.there should also be allocated time for feedback from lecturer. The schedule should indicate that everything is planned to be do

Dissemination Planning/working Schedule

If you don't know what a dissemination plan is please do not apply.

Firstly read the attached file and then based write a brief dissemination plan.
Please note that once the dissertation is conducted we will be uploaded to my own webpage as well as the universities archives. It will be uploaded at the end of January.

then write a brief work schedule starting next week and ideally finishing mid to late August. In the schedule you would outline how do you go about conducting the dissertation. There should be targets for each portion example half of the methodology section be done come August or middle of August, but these targets should be fluent and flexible. The first week's should just be laying/ picking out the main parts that are
going to be talked about in the dissertation as well as allocate enough time for reading around the subject.there should also be allocated time for feedback from lecturer. The schedule should indicate that everything is planned to be do

Entrepreneurial Process Analysis

(1) Report (20 Marks including report structure):

In a maximum of 2000 word report, you must introduce the entrepreneur (and their business) providing how they (and their business) are an example of the theory/concepts you have learned in class. In the conclusion reflect on the entrepreneurs own journey and suggest how you would have done things differently.

(2) Graphic Essay (Flowchart, Mindmap or Infographic) (15 Marks)

Your Graphic Essay should support your Statement using photos, graphics, quotes from your interview and citations from your secondary research, in support of your report if you did not write all important information in that part.

(3) Supporting Evidence (5 Marks)

Tip: You should use the Mindmap or Flowchart as a way to brainstorm your ideas and then either (1) add your supporting evidence to the mindmap or Flowchart or (2) develop the mindmap or Flowchart further into an infographic.

Obesity hypoventilation syndrome with a patient with COPD/cor pulmonale

Patient case study on obesity hypoventilation syndrome
Relate case study to a 60 year old man who has COPD and a high BMI came into A&E with chronic dysneoea, decreasing O2 stats. right ventricle dilatation. Very likely cor pulmonale(Differential diagnosis) secondary to chronic COPD - compensated Type 2 respirator failure diagnosis is right heart failure, pulmonary hypertension secondary to
Chronic hypoxia treatment plan: NIV at night, fluid restriction - sleep studies to confirm OHS.
atleast 15 references from journals, books etc. avoid websites
Also include self reflection as a student on the ward  ( on assignment brief)

education- Representation of autsim in childrens literature

7,000 word dissertation that includes the introduction, literature review, methodology, 3 chapters and the conclusion.
It is a literature based dissertation based on autism and how autistic characters are represented in children's books.
The main idea would be to talk about autism and its diagnosis process, linking this with how characters in children's books show autistic traits. for example if looking at "my brother charlie" then it would mean to talk about how that characters autistic traits and cross referencing it with a different characters autistic traits from a different children's book.
the three chapters would probably be based based on a certain theme and then discussing various book characters autistic traits similarities and differences.
example chapter themes could be Friendship?, emotions? Routines? Obsessions?

Security and Insecurity in Global Politics


(Quick outline of Module - Security and Insecurity in Global Politics is a module covering a range of conceptual, empirical and policy issues around the global organisation of 'security', broadly understood. It is not a module on war, although we do discuss varieties of political and organised violence. The main focus is instead on different theoretical framings of security, the history of security as an idea and a practice, and several of the many contemporary spheres of security. )

You have to choose one topic from the questions below and write an essay, please try to use different sources and provide sufficient arguments. Provide bibliography using Harvard Referencing style.

1) Is development a problem of security?

2) To what extent are environmental issues a matter of security?

3) What are the implications (and potential dangers) of securitising the environment?

4) To what extent do arms control efforts represent the changin

National Economic Policy assignment

The assignment requires Deakin Harvard Referencing style, inludes questions of national economical critical analysis based on professional knowledge and skills. This report requests a high score, please write it carefully and with the best you can, refuse non-economic professional writers and writers with casual attitude to just get the work done. Details see following attachment.

Economics/International Relations

Read the following article https://opus.hs-furtwangen.de/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/1962/file/Bartmann+-+Causes+and+effects+of+2008+financial+crisis.pdf and create a mind map showing the causes and the consequences of global financial crisis in 2008.

2. Compare the causes and impacts of global financial crisis in 2008 with the current economic slowdown due to COVID-19 situation. (Watch the video for further reference


or search information on reputable sources (Bloomberg, BBC, e-IR.com, economist).

You should share your findings in 800 words, including references and in-text citations

Identify a film or television show which made good use of transmedia marketing. Analyse the transmedia campaign in terms of the target audience(s), the key creative strategies and consider how this campaign can be of use to other film/ TV marketers when t

Question: Identify a film or television show which made good use of transmedia marketing. Analyse the transmedia campaign in terms of the target audience(s), the key creative strategies and consider how this campaign can be of use to other film/ TV marketers when thinking of developing transmedia campaigns. Comment specifically on how independent producers with limited resources could learn from the campaign.

Must include: bibliography and theoretical support when giving an argument