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Identify and briefly explain the historical significance of six (6) of the following:

Part B: Short Identifications - Identify and briefly explain the historical significance of six (6) of the following:

Please clearly indicate which term/item your answers refer to. Each answer should be typed and should not exceed one half page single spaced, or one page double-spaced in 12 pt. font, Times New Roman. You can use the six w of history to guide each of your answers, what, when, who, where, why and how.

Sitting Bull, Lakota leader     Black Hills, South Dakota         Frog Lake Incident, Sask., 1885
Red Cloud, Lakota leader     Shoshoni / Snake Indians         Governor of the Hunt   
Dawes Act, US, 1887        Prince Maximilian, 1833/34         Sayer Trial, 1849
Minnesota conflict, 1862     Cypress Hills Massacre, 1873        American Indian

Bias by Bernard Goldberg

The assignment is to write a response paper to the book, Bias, by Bernard Goldberg.
The premise is simple: what did this book teach you about journalism? From that
jumping-off point, there are lots of possibilities for development, depending on your reaction to the incidents and situations described in the text.


No citation. Just takes notes on chapter 1 through 7 of this book (PAGE 1 -81). Does not have to be formal at all. Use bulletpoints. Write down main ideas and characters of each chapter.

Read: 1688: A Global History by John E. Wills
ONLY CHAPTER 1 through 7 (PAGE 1 - 81)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

10th grade 1 page essay Macbeth act 1

write a well-developed response to the question using textual references to support your ideas.

As the tragic hero, Macbeth has been presented to us as a noble hero who is loyal to his king and country. However, he will have a tragic flaw that will lead to his demise. Identify any weaknesses/flaws you may have seen in his character from Act I. What are they? Use supporting quotes to help prove your observations.

Black Snake Killaz: A #NoDAPL Story

Watch this 2017 documentary and other materials listed below, then write an essay of at least 300 words. In this essay, be sure to follow these instructions:
In addition to writing a summary on the film information, discuss the following:
What is the black snake?
What are water protectors?
What are man camps and problems associated with them and how do they relate to this?
What are the issues related to this specific pipeline and why is it being led by Natives?
How does this relate to other Native history in the United States?
Your opinions on this issue.
Please double space and use proper grammar and spelling.


Black Snake Killaz: a #NoDAPL story (120 mins) ch

Native American Citizenship and Voting Rights.

After watching the videos and readings, write an original post of at least 250 words


Myths and Stereotypes

Please read the readings and then answer the following questions in your Discussion Post. You do not need to limit your writing to American Indians in this Forum. There are myths and stereotypes about everyone and everything.
-What challenges can myths and stereotypes create for American Indians and/or non-Indians?
-What are the benefits of dispelling myths and stereotypes of ALL people?                                       
-Have you experienced any stereotypes in your own life? YOU CAN MAKE UP SOMETHING
-Write one original post of at least 250 words

Links provided by professor:

The challenges created by myths and

Storz Friedberg

Watch/ Read the following:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLWXiROfbY0&list=PL4dvog9GIGUe6Kkp1uVOd5d3LHm-zMr0Q

2. Resource Based View of the Firm (Video attached below)

3. https://open.lib.umn.edu/strategicmanagement/chapter/4-4-value-chain/

Read the Growing Pains PDF file below (MUST)

4. e-Discovery Consulting Services (Attached below- READ)

5. Digital Forensic Service Industry (Attached below- READ)

6. IT Security Consulting Industry Report (Attached below- READ)

7. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/professional-services-value-chain-joel-barolsky

8. https://open.lib.umn.edu/strategicmanagement/chapter/3-4-evaluating-the-industry/ (Five Force read)

Answer multiple-choice questions in Homework doc (make the correct answer(s) BOLD)

After making the answers bold please re-upload. There is nothing to write.

Ad campaign

please carefully read the pdf to understand how to write a good ad. Follow the instruction!
Advertising Copy/Campaign
This assignment has three parts:
1)    A single-page print advertisement

2)    A narrative script for a 15- to 30-second radio spot

The Print Advertisement Create the text for a single-page print ad.  This should contain the following: 1) a Headline, 2) a Body Copy, 3) a Call to Action, and 4) a tagline.  You can also create the layout for the ad, including a doodle where the visual would go.
The Narrative Script Write the script for your 15- to 30-second radio spot.  The voice/tone of the radio spot should be evident in the writing.  Describe any audio effects you intend to include in the actual radio spot.

Authors for Discussion Paper: Guity Nashat and Judith Tucker, Carl Petry, Jonathan Berkey

Had to have read:

Guity Nashat and Judith Tucker, Women in the Middle East and North Africa

Carl Petry, Class Solidarity vs. Gender Gain: Women as Custodians of Property in Later Medieval Egypt in Keddie & Baron

Jonathan Berkey, Women and Islamic Education in the Mamluk Period in Keddie & Baron