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Mini Ethnography

Ndetflix: The Casketeers Episode 1 Themes:

Death, Religion, Ritual, Ethnocentrism, Prestige, Gender

You will turn in:

1. A copy of your notes.

2. Write:  A synthesis of your observations about the culture you witnessed.  Please include

i.  a summary of what you saw (summarize your notes)

ii. what cultural feature(s) were familiar to you, AND unfamiliar;

iii. relate back to at least one concept discussed in class;

iv. what power structures can you identify (related to gender, class, etc),

Intercultural communication ( tourism)

If you have time please read the entire article(I attached it), otherwise be sure to read the introduction and conclusion (also called "discussion"). Answer these questions: What was the hypothesis? What was the result? What could this mean for you in your field (or if you don't have one yet, your life in general)? How does this connect with what you've learned this week?

This is what I learned this week. Please read before writing. You need to connect with what I have learned.

Robert Moses

Moses Road Lecture
Hi Modern NY students,

I hope you enjoy this week on Robert Moses, New Yorkers master building, dubbed the 'Power Broker' Robert Caro in his biography on Moses that helped to expose his impact on the city. This is one of my favorite sections of NY history and this course. If anyone wants to dive deeper into Robert Moses, I highly suggest reading "The Power Broker" by Robert Caro, then "Robert Moses and the Modern City" for some revisionist context. Good and bad, you can't argue with the impact this one man had on our city.

Documentary Assignment
Video: Episode 7: The City and the World (1945-Present) During the seventh episode of NEW YORK: A DOCUMENTARY FILM, the turbulent and often harrowing years from 1945 to the present are explored. Emerging from the Depression and the Second World War as the most powerful metropolis on Earth, New York soon confronted urban woes of unprecedented proportions and fought for its very existence.

Watch the

The Prince by Machiavelli

Critically assess the following interpretation of The Prince, citing specific evidence from the text to support your argument:

The Prince is a manual of political tactics, not a work of political philosophy. Machiavellis sole concern in writing this book was to show how an ambitious ruler or would-be ruler could increase his own power. The great themes of political philosophy, including justice, the common good, and human nature, are largely absent from the book, since Machiavellis concern was wholly practical and directed towards the well-being of princes rather than being theoretical or public-spirited.

(Note: in answering this question you may find it useful to consult Mansfields Glossary to The Prince as well as his Introduction. But nothing in the Introduction counts as evidence in itself; your interpretation must be backed up by specific references to the text of The Prince.)


1920s US history paper

1. Read and write. About the 1920s. (US HISTORY ) First, do some reading on the 20s. There are three links below you can chose from, and plenty of other sites.
*Summary of the 20s,  https://www.history.com/topics/roaring-twenties/roaring-twenties-history

*1920s: A Decade of Change at https://www.ncpedia.org/history/20th-Century/1920s

*Overview of the 1920s, at https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/era.cfm?eraid=13&smtid=1

MN605 W4- Strategies for Transitioning to the NP Role

Topic 1: Strategies for Transitioning to the NP Role

This week you will focus on identifying and sharing various strategies that can be used to assist you in your role transition from where you are to where you want to be as an NP.

Please include at least three peer-reviewed references (that are not older than 5 years) for each comment. Use this opportunity to brainstorm. There are no right or wrong strategies. Please refer to the SON Graduate Discussion grading rubric for more details.

3 references

MN585 W4- Hypertension Management in the Older Adult

Topic: Hypertension Management in the Older Adult

Hypertension is a common condition in older adults. Older adults benefit from the treatment of their hypertension, but special considerations need to be given before initiating pharmacological therapy due to the risk of increased complications.

Discuss two strategies that you will use when initiating antihypertensive therapy in the older adult (you may consider things such as goal BP, class of medications, laboratory monitoring of therapy, monitoring for side effects, etc.).

3 references

Principles of business

Promotion is any activity that communicates our competitive advantage to our chosen target market. Advertising, personal selling and publicity are our focus.

Even in these times of social media and digital content some of the old ways of promotion can still be effective. Identify two strengths and two weaknesses of each major advertising medium: newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, magazines, and outdoor display.

Social media and data mining have created a revolution in marketing and promotion.
Review the following link: https://www.wordstream.com/social-media-marketing (Links to an external site.).
Curious how to get started marketing on social media. Here is a step by step tutorial:

What are your thoughts in general about Marketing through social media? Do you find it intrusive and what are your privacy concerns?
Give an example of a promotional campaign that you feel is particularly effective.

Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV 2030)

The professor has asked us, in groups, to write transcripts for our presentations. I will attach my report and I want you to help me in writing a transcript for the presentation. The transcript should look like this for example:
Slide 5 [John]
I'm going to talk about different examples of 3D printing in small business as it relates to QNV 2030...
Slide 6 [John]
The first example is...
Slide 7 [John]
The second example is of...

Colgate advertising campaign development and evaluation

Colgate Latin America has experienced in recent years a strong growth of its competition, which has managed to increase its consumption and preference in markets of which Colgate was the absolute leader before.

The segment of children and adolescents is probably the most affected mainly by promotions and the use of movie characters in the products of the competition.

Colgate will launch a series of child and adolescent care products with the desire to recover the lost market. For which we ask you to present an Advertising campaign focused on said target audience.

Analyze its characteristics and look for which ones may be relevant for the development of the campaign.

Formulate objectives and strategies and show your creative proposal applied in the different media in which you want to advertise.

Explain your media plan according to your CIM

Analyze your campaign and share your KPIs to evaluate to achieve objectives.