I will read ten questions/prompts to you. Respond to each question/prompt in the Google doc. Do not aim to answer the questions in complete sentences since the questions will be read in a quick succession.
When I have gone through each question, you will have an opportunity to choose one of the your responses and continue to build your response. If at some point you feel like your ideas are shifting direction, you should continue with the new thought.
Lastly, allow your feelings to do the writing as opposed to your logical and rational self.
Write a journal entry in which you explore the poem, line by line, and untangle the extended metaphor Donne makes. What does he compare things to in this poem? In what sense are those things similar to each other? How do all these comparisons support Donnes ultimate purpose in the poem? What is he trying to say, and why does he use elaborate (and controversial) figurative devices rather than just coming out and saying it?
In responding to this prompt, I implore you not to google what does Holy Sonnet 14 mean? I know older poems can be frustrating at times, but I guarantee you that your experience will be more satisfying if you try to establish your own understanding of Donnes work. Its truly an astonishing, evocative, original poem, and you deserve to have a relationship with it that isnt mediated by Shmoop.com.
This is a way to apply what you are learning to a team that you currently lead, or to which you belong. This should be no more than 2 double spaced pages each time and should cover one or two concepts that are contained in the reading for the session, discuss how you see it in action with your work team and include any suggestions that you have for the improvement (should there be areas that need attention).
write 2 bullet points on each of the above of things you found interesting and or fascinating
3 0.1 The Wall Street Code | VPRO documentary | 2013 #https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFQJNeQDDHA&feature=youtu.be# 51
3 0.2 Nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio data: How to Remember the differences #https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPHYPXBK_ks# 12
3 0.3 The Normal Distribution: Crash Course Statistics #19 #https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBjft49MAO8# 12
3 0.4 What are confidence intervals? Actually #https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJe3jiZNwUU# 25
3 0.5 Confidence interval example #https://www.khanacademy.org/math/statistics-probability/confidence-intervals-one-sample/estimating-population-proportion/v/confidence-interval-example# 19
Robert Nozicks Experience Machine thought experiment asks you to consider the possibility of having your brain plugged into a machine that feeds you all the needed stimuli so as to perfectly recreate any situation you could possibly desire. The simulations would be indistinguishable from what you are able to experience not plugged into the machine and, indeed, we could use the machine to simulate a perfect life, full of any and every experience you could desire. And yet, he thinks, something would be wrong with "plugging in." In the end, Nozick seems to make the argument what is GOOD cannot be reduced to merely having certain types of experiences (most notably, experiences of happiness or satisfaction). He seems to believe that there is something good or valuable about living a live that cannot be simulated.
For your initial post there are two points you need to address: first, do you agree with Nozick's position? And if so, what could this be and
Read the following peer-reviewed journal article and provide a 500-word essay about critical thinking, what it means to you, what the article taught you and if you agree or disagree with the results of the critical thinking study. Upload the 500 word essay to Canvas. Any format is acceptable in Microsoft Word and cite the article at the end of the essay. This is a graded assignment. Be sure your name is typed on the first line of the essay and that your name appears in the file name. On Page 124, specifically address what these statements mean to you:
Effects on employability
Following this line of reasoning it is not surprising that some companies also considered the effect of poor CT ability on graduate employability:
"If you dont have the critical thinking part, at least the basics of it introduced at university, you might be at the risk of not getting a job. Maybe then I dont select them if they dont have a particularly strong critical thinking/problem-solving
As we discuss Chinese religions, how can the Confucian Virtues, the Dao, and wu wei be used in our daily lives?
Please respond to the following:
Confucius wrote of the Superior Person, in which every normal human being cherishes the aspiration to become superior to their own past and present as they set their sights on "perfect virtue." When the basic Confucian principles and his notion of ren (pp. 207-208) are guided by virtue, relationships should work a certain way.
At the heart of Daoism philosophy is the concept that the universe works harmoniously according to its own ways and we should be in harmony with the universe. The principle underlying our oneness with the Tao is that of wu-wei, or "non-doing."
So, the main discussion questions for the week are:
Identify and explain at least three (3) aspects of Taoism, wu wei and Confucian virtues that would be practical for us.
How are these concepts similar to those we have studied so far?
Using "Encouraging Learning" reading and your work from the corresponding Argument Analysis assignment (see file attachment for this, I have the answers), write an essay that fully conveys your position on Hsun Tzu's argument. In no more than three pages, your writing should address at least the following points:
Your thesis - What is your position on the argument(s) being made in Encouraging Learning? How effective is his argument to you?
Technique - What specifically makes his argument effective or ineffective? Identify and describe specific aspects of his writing to explain this. If ineffective, what would have made this better and why? If effective, what is particularly effective and why? Examine the claims that are being made to support your effort here.
Credibility - Based on his choice of support for his argument, how credible do you believe Hsun Tzu to be on the topic? What makes him believable, if at all? What would, in your opinion make him more credible?
Articulating Transferrable Skills:
In this exercise, we will begin by identifying transferable skills and translating anthropological concepts that you can apply to resumes, CVs, application letters, and an elevator pitch or speech. An "elevator speech" is a short "pitch" that can be given immediately when a situation warrants. In this case, it is an introduction to yourself and your interests in an anthropologically relevant way. You will gear the speech to particular audiences at different times, but the bulk of it will remain the same most likely. (for example I have a different one for film festivals than I have for academics).
Objective: To think about and synthesize your anthropological learning these past years, and to articulate how and why this training is significant and useful to a wider public.
Outcome: A list of transferrable skills and translated anthropological perspectives you can use in an elevator pitch or other conversation with n
review at least two of your peers' reports and give them feedback about it. The purpose of the feedback is to give them more input into how their report is perceived by others and then allow students the opportunity to edit their reports as they see fit. Please include those thoughts that you have about the positive and developmental aspects of others' papers. reply posts (125-word minimum) must offer new insight to the discussion.