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Recommendation Report

For your major course project, you will research and write a recommendation report that compares and/or contrasts two real alternatives of a technical nature, and recommends a preference between the two for a theoretical client, management, or other professional entity similar to the ones you expect to encounter in your professional future.

In order to do so, envision yourself early in your professional career. Fabricate a realistic and entirely plausible professional situation, in which you must compare and/or contrast two alternatives (products, actions, techniques, theoretical approaches, applications, etc.) for a professional entity you are either employed by, a member of, or obligated to in some manner.

You will research and draft the document within the conventions of the formal report genre. You will submit the Recommendation Report by the due date, complete with a cover memo to me, graphics and visuals, and appropriate front and end matter.

For the Recommen

Recommendation Report proposal

Assignment Overview
Before you begin writing your final Recommendation Report for this class, you must first plan your project and inform me of your plans in a Proposal.

In many professions, large scale projects require a detailed project plan. These proposed plans usually describe the tasks that must be undertaken to investigate potential conclusions or solutions, plot out a realistic schedule to complete the assignment, and identify the resources required for completing the project. You will complete and turn in such a plan in the form of a Proposal to me.

As this is an academic exercise, part of your proposal will need to detail the theoretical case study you have fabricated. You will need to create a fictional audience, purpose, and context appropriate and consistent with the rhetorical situations particular to your own future profession. The situation you present will be subject to my approval, and if necessary, you will need to revise and resubmit your proposal u