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Any topic (writer’s choice)

discuss the intersectionality of identity and ethnocentric behavior in terms of the following :

Are there any positives of ethnocentric?  What are the consequences ?  Why should people even change if it affects their identity?  Needs to be 850 words at the very least. Do not plagiarize or consult with others.  Also, if you look at any sources , please cite them.  This is a critical thinking /reflective paper so please use the time to think about your answer so that you can hand in a well-written, well-constructed paper which lets me know you know the concept of ethnocentrism

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper

Reference with citation

1500-2000 word only

Please reply to the below

Human resource development (HRD) plays a key role in developing human expertise, which underpins organisational capabilities such as talent management, innovation and collaboration.  As such, HRD is associated with change, learning and improved performance at an individual and organisational level.


Discuss to what extent HRD is a source of competitive advantage for achieving strategic goals in a constantly changing environment, considering links with other SHRM practices.

Your response should be in the form of a written report between 1,500 and 2,000 words.

Learning Outcomes:

Explain the concept of Strategic HRM and evaluate its potential contribution to organisational objectives
Demonstrate the link between business strategy and human resource management
Turnitin Originality Check

Before submitting your

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Professional paper

Reference with citation

300-500 word only

Please reply to the below

Strategic HRD

Learning is a key part of Maximos people strategy.  Their people drive their business and as such they have a significant budget for development.  Individuals can nominate themselves for specific training courses that will add value to their skillset and the products they work on.  Classroom training is only a small part of the strategy.  Maximo have intentionally kept working groups small and flexible, focusing on developing or maintaining specific products.  This supports a focus team members sharing knowledge and skills as part of their day to day work.

Managers have a development focus, and spend time enabling and supporting development of individuals in their team.  They have many examples of how this informal learning has resulted in key business successes and changes to core processes.  Maximo t

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Colleague 1
Understanding children is to understand the parent. How parent communicate is often a reflection of the child. I think that parents should explain to children on a basic level by explaining each and every body part to a child even the genital area. This give a children a level of understand what body parts they have and as they get older many parents then explain what is and what is not appropriate. Some behaviors may seem to others as sexual but children may grab a part of their body for soothing or calmness.  It is not an easy discussion for parents to have with their children because it may be uncomfortable. Sexual behavior is what we are meant to do as humans everything is evolved around procreation(Survival, work, food). I would explain to parents touching another persons body part without consent is in appropriate but when a child does something that may be uncomfortable it is best to have a conversation and explain why certain gestures may be inappropriate so

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Colleague 1
The agency that I am identifying is an agency within the Army community. This agency is called the Family Advocacy Program (FAP). FAP falls under an Army community program, which provides training, counseling, support groups, and family advocacy to all active duty, retirees, Reserve, and National Guard components, including their family members. Specifically, the Family Advocacy Program provides resources on domestic and child abuse, treatment, and intervention. The policy for this program, according to the Department of the Army is, To prevent Spouse and Child abuse, to protect those who are victims of abuse, to treat those affected by abuse, and to ensure personnel is professionally trained to intervene in abuse cases. (Family Advocacy Programs (FAP). (n.d.). This program was designated to break the progression of violent acts by trying to detect them as early as possible.


Family Advocacy Programs (FAP). (n.d.). Retrieved June 8, 2020, from http


Here are the mandatory information that must be included:

Name of province or territory

Where in Canada is this place located

Picture of the flower/animal that is the symbol for the province or territory

Population density/number of people residing in this province or territory at the present time

The cultural makeup of this province or territory...provide facts to support your answer

Information about two people or organizations that have provided significant contributions or support to the province, territory, (or Canada).  The information provided MUST be factual. This contribution can be to support any cause and it can be in any form, such as monetary, words of wisdom to motivate others, athletics, environmental support, military, musical influencers, frontline workers (e.g., doctors, nurses, grocery store clerks, bus drivers, police officers), and protesters.

          You can also do a Did you know? t

Internal processes

Internal processes of a company contribute to the company's overall effectiveness. Identifying ways to improve internal processes helps build a highly efficient organization. Root causes need to be identified. Methods to identify root causes may require substantial analysis or be apparent based on a major problem within the organization.

Cps letter of conformation

Instruction for paper
1.    Please indicate that this from Texas cps
2.    Indicate  that the current husband and the family member can  never have custody of the child they had together
3.    Indcate  that you know what he did to the other child with broke bones and fracture s of the sh
        4 . If the mother if decides to tell the husband family members could be force to take lie test .We also know that mother did not do the damage
4.    If the father ever try to get custody of child cps will step in and product evidence.
5.    That if the children mother never d
6.    Says anything we cant convicted him .
7.    We know about the broken bone on the mother the hand
8.    If the mother of adaline Anderson and Angel should split the ex husband will still ne protect in less the mother step

Read Instructions

Read the document labeled Oral Language Development Assignment for all of the requirements. Please write 3 FULL PAGES!!

Use images 5-22 uploaded for you of Chapter 4: Oral Language Development to make connections and use examples from the text.

Citation of textbook used includes:
Berkeley, S. & Ray, S., (2019).  Reading Fundamentals for Students with Learning Difficulties:  Instruction for Diverse K-12 Classrooms (1st Ed.). Routledge.

I will upload more pictures later of what I learned from the three modules

Student and Education Across the world

Only use the information at I send. 1. A paragraph discussing the research question that can be discovered through the process of research, start off of providing some background information on the topic and then want to state the research question. 2. A list of the specific sources and a sentence for each source summarizing what the source is about and how it will help you to answer your research question. 3. There are 4 sources that I enclose.