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Archive for the ‘Health Care and Life Sciences’
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Between 2004 and 2007, the National Institutes of Health conducted a STEP study.
The STEP Study is the name of a clinical trial to test an experimental human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine that aimed to stimulate production of immune system T cells that can kill HIV-infected cells. The study enrolled 3,000 participants at sites in Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Puerto Rico, and the United States.

On the basis of its first evaluation of vaccine efficacy, the findings were as follows:

There were 24 cases of HIV infection among the 741 volunteers who received at least one dose of the investigational vaccine.
There were 21 cases of HIV infection among the 762 volunteers who were vaccinated with a placebo.
In volunteers who received at least two vaccinations:
There were 19 cases of HIV infection among the 672 volunteers who received the investigational vaccine.
There were 11 cases of HIV infection among the 691 vol


Morbidity and mortality are the two demographic phenomena most commonly studied in epidemiology. These two phenomena allow us to view disease trends and associated changes over time.

Discuss morbidity and mortality in terms of how you would use them in developing prevention strategies aimed at increasing attention to disease and decreasing adverse health outcomes.

Justify your response using examples and reasoning. 2 references

Library Data Base for a Research Paper

I will upload a file regarding instructions of the assignment. The purpose of the worksheet is to help conduct research for my future paper. Fill free to choose one topic listed on the worksheet.

I highly recommend watching the following videos for guidance in terms of completing this assignment.

What is a database?:


Finding databases:

http://library.ucmerced.edu/research/students/tutorials/content/57551Links to an external site.

PubMed Literature Search:


PubMed Filters Sidebar


Google Scholar Literature Review:




Getting to know the audience in preparation for communicating about an intervention is critical to the success of a public heath campaign. Approaches for communicating with policymakers, advocacy partners, and lay audiences need to be considered. For the intervention proposed, primary and secondary audiences for the information should be identified. For example, if you are working on a healthy diet and exercise program for adolescents, the primary audience would be adolescents and the secondary would be families of the adolescents.

Present what you could use as your message for the primary and secondary audiences of your intervention. Specify the cultural factors that may need to be considered to be effective in specific communities.

anatomy & Physiology

: In this journal, you will research and explore data around acid reflux (GERD). You will make a determination as to what you believe the causes or GERD
are. GERD has increased in the cohort of 15- to 65-year-olds in the United States from almost one million in 1998, to three million in 2005, to 100 million in 2013.
There is a real controversy over whether the rise in GERD is influenced by lifestyle choices, such as overeating and resulting obesity, or other factors.
After reading Acid Reflux (GERD) Statistics and Facts and researching further on your own, explain whether you think GERD is more influenced by lifestyle
choices or other factors. What evidence exists to support your stance? What can be done to treat GERD, and how would you advise a patient who comes to you
complaining of GERD symptoms? Cite your sources.



Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

Principles of Anatomy and Physiology

Explain Nutrition: Body Weight and Energy Balance and describe what learning techniques you used to master the material.

Nutrition: Body Weight and Energy Balance
Research suggests that all animals have a metabolic set point that determines how much energy we need in a day. This is determined by a number of factors, including genes and lifestyle. Studies from behavioral genetics suggest that 30 to 50 percent of the variability in weight is due to genetics. In terms of lifestyle, the level of activity influences how metabolically active our cells are. Body weight will remain stable so long as the calories consumed are equivalent to the calories expended. In the short term, the body will cope with too many or too few calories by changing the metabolic set point, so overeating during the holidays is not a problem, but, in the longer term, these set points can get adjusted to new levels based on changes in lifestyle or diet.

nursing theory

1.    Identify your specialty area of NP practice: Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP)
2.    Select a nursing theory, borrowed theory, or interdisciplinary theory: Fawcett and Ellenbeckers Conceptual Model of Nursing and Population Health (CMNPH)

Address the following:
    Origin Where and when did this theory come from?
    Meaning and scope How the theorys concepts relate to one another.
    Logical adequacy Looks at logical structure of the components of the theory.
    Usefulness and simplicity How practical or helpful is the theory?
    Generalizability Can the theory be applied to other situations?
    Testability Can the theory be supported by empirical evidence?

Provide an example how the theory could be used to improve or evaluate the quality of practice in your specific setting (hospital setting). What rationale can you p


at least 250 words and 2 scholarly references within last 5 years

The term andragogy is often used to describe Malcom Knowles' theory of adult learning, while the term pedagogy was traditionally used to describe curriculum developed for children. Select a course you took lately and look for the principles of andragogy or pedagogy in the course structure. Share your findings with your classmates and whether or not you thought the curriculum was effective. Support your response with literature and with examples.

critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making.

Differentiate among critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making. Apply each of the concepts to 3 different scenarios you have observed or engaged in during your career. If you are very new to nursing, use examples from nursing school clinicals to answer this question.

All scholarly sources cited in-text and as references must be APA compliant, including direct quotations.  All sources must be within the last 5 years to be relevant evidence based practices.

policy memo about National School Lunch Program

Source about understanding NSLP and the issues:
4: 2017 Trump Era (uploaded)
5: final rule_nutr (uploaded)

Source about supporting NSLP:
4:Schwartz (uploaded)
5: Cullen et al (uploaded)


Keep memos to two pages, single-spaced, one-inch margins, 11-12 pt font.
You may use numbering, bullets,