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Archive for the ‘Humanities’
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****DO NOT DO POWERPOINT SLIDES********---Written out in paragraph form----

At least five different credible sources of information are required for this speech. Because you will be attempting to persuade your audience, this means that your sources should be the most strongly credible possible. Weak sources will a weak case make, so be sure to choose only the most expert sources of information to strengthen your points. This means that general reference sources will not be accepted (e.g., Wikipedia, about.com, ehow.com, howstuffworks.com. dictionaries or encyclopedias in print or online, and so on), nor will secondary sources, including those that come in the form of general websites for quotes or for statistics (e.g., brainyquote.com. statistics.com), nor will YouTube sources typically, or anything else that is listed in your bibliography without a specific author/title of website.

Title/Topic of Speech: Give it a good name.

Introduction:  Written out in


It is supposed to be watching a musical and write a reaction paper about it, but usually reading the summary plot will be fine. Below is the possible prompts. Do not have to follow these prompts, any reaction will be fine. For the sources, cite three of them will be fine, the grader does not really check if the content comes from the sources, but do three in text citation.
Ragtime is a collection of vignettes of what was happening in early 20th-century America.  What were the exciting things happening as shown in the show?  What conflicts came with these developments?

The stories of several different sets of people are followed in Ragtime.  Why are these stories told together?  What purpose is served at the points where the lives of these people intersect?

Coalhouse takes justice into his own hands and not even Martin Luther King can persuade him to back down.  Why is Coalhouse not persuaded?  Do you agree with what Coalhouse does?

Final Essay

The purpose of this essay assignment is to give you an opportunity to synthesize anthropological concepts from class with the information you learn from the book. If you wish, you may discuss the assignment with other students, but all writing must be solely your own work.

Assignment Description
Identify three major topics from the course (from the units on methods, medical anthropology, linguistic anthropology, globalization & development, foodways, environmental anthropology, economics, politics, race/class/ethnicity, sex & sexuality, kinship, religion, or the arts) and write an essay illustrating how those topics relate to Seth Holmess research presented in Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies. Keep in mind that part of the goal of this essay is for you to demonstrate your understanding of class material & the book so be specific, use examples to illustrate larger points, and draw on the ethnography, the textbook, and other class materials as sources.

Reaction paper

1. A reflection paper is your identification of the main themes of the readings
integrated with your classroom experience and how both affect your
thinking and practice.
2. A reflection paper is your chance to add your thoughts and analysis to what
you have read and experienced. It is meant to illustrate your understanding
of the material and how it affects your ideas.
3. Unlike research papers, reflection papers are written in a less formal
style, with the author's ideas and perspective being the focus of the essay.
To substantiate these ideas, you must also incorporate supporting evidence
from the article you have chosen and/or outside sources into your
reflection paper.

5. Using the first person singular (I), relate the readings and classes to your
previous knowledge and experience and consider if and how what you have
read and learned changes your thinking on the particular topic. How so?
6. In your first two paragraphs,

Management of the United Way

Students prepare a PowerPoint Presentation with (1) recorded narration and (2) presenters notes on the key content from Management Analysis Paper. Include 12-14 slides [consisting of a Title slide (Title, Your Name, and Course), an Overview slide (list the items that you will cover), an Introduction slide, 8-10 Content slides, and a Conclusion slide]. Content slides should identify key points with a bullet list not paragraphs. Include a PPT background. The use of paragraphs on the slide as opposed to a bullet list will garner the lowest score. Presenters notes should be written as a summary of the key points listed in the slides. Omitting presenters notes and the recorded narration will garner the lowest score. The presentation should be arranged in a clear and logical manner, display a balance of the content and visual images, and follow APA guidelines. 

Additional PowerPoint Specifications
Font Type Arial
Font Size Keep consistent in size and color throughout

women studies; critical paper

You are required to write a 10-12 page paper on a topic of interest, related to the class material and to critically examine it using gender studies or feminist analyses. You are welcome to use any topic of interest that we have discussed (or not) in class, as long as it takes on a feminist lens to look at it. I will provide a list with some possible topics towards the end of the term.

The essay should include references to at least five academic sources (refereed books and articles), including the online articles assigned for the class.

When writing your essay please double-space, use font 12, number your pages consecutively and follow an approved citation system. Please feel free to use any citation style that you feel comfortable with, as long as it is consistently used throughout the paper.

Structure your essay using a clear introductory exposition, a substantial development section where issues are explored in reference to relevant scholarly writin

Stylistic analysis of the poem (field: Linguistics / Philology )

The task is to do a stylistic analysis of the poem from the attached file.
The paper must answer questions 4, 7, 9, and 10.
Each question must be answered separately.
For example:
Question #4

Question #7

Be concise.

Analyze how representation functions in your media example

Analyze how representation functions in your media example <The Devil wears Prada>. Consider gender, race, ethnicity, economic class, sexuality and ability, among other socially constructed identities.

---Drawing on the text that l gave you, examine the role of representation within the movie <The Devil Wears Prada>. This will require that you think extensively about how identity is performed within your chosen example.
---Your paper should provide a detailed analysis of the media text that draws on the theory and methodology of representation as a means of analyzing the messages in the text.
---Consider intersectionality within your analysis. (Intersectionality definition :the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.)
---You should also show an understanding of how practices of re

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write 3 short essays (200-400 words each, roughly). There are 3 essay prompts below. You need to form logical and accurate arguments using the assigned materials (attached below as PDF) to present your views, and these may be dramatically different from the professors views. Short of submitting hateful content, your well-formed and backed up opinion is what matters.

1- Explain why and how race is a social construct. Be sure to outline the evolution of human skin pigmentation, and false assumptions of the biological race concept, but how the idea nevertheless impacts lives.

2-Development of biological sex and gender identity are said to be semi-independent. Explain how normal development of biological sex and gender identity could result in someone being transgendered. (Please just remember that although we can account for being transgender through biology, this is not all encompassing and does not mean that trans or non-binary gendered people need to account for or


this research proposal needs the main focus on the methodology part, finding a specific subject to Conduct investigation the problem of over-tourism. for example, a perspective from local residents to Investigate the issue of deterioration of air quality/ water pollution( only choose one) by over-tourism.
the subject cannot be too broad, only need to target a specific issue of caused by over-tourism.