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Analyzing Current Mass Communications Trend

JMC 102- Spring 2020
Research Paper Assignment
This assignment asks you to write a scholarly research paper that discusses and analyzes a current trend in one of the fields of mass communication in the United States. All of the media industries are currently experiencing dramatic changes and there are many possible subjects for this research paper. For the purpose of this assignment, a trend is any clearly identifiable change that is taking place at the current time. It can be something has been going on for a little while or something very recent, but it must still be happening. (In other words, you should not write about something that happened in the past and it not happening anymore.) This assignment asks that you identify and study one of these trends. You can select a trend in the field or journalism, broadcasting, publishing, filmmaking, communication design, social media, advertising, or public relations. The paper should be about something that is happening in the United

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Respond to two colleagues:

Identify a barrier that might make it difficult to implement the solution-focused model with the client described.
Discuss how a social worker could help a client re-focus on the present, rather than on their past.

Colleague 1
Discussion - Week 9
This quarter being my first field placement but due to COVID-19 all onsite field experience was suspended in March and not being able to utilize a case study. I chose to use the case of Tiffani Bradley to complete this week's discussion.

The presenting problem

In this case Tiffani, a 16-year-old Caucasian female, has a history of running away due to past experiences of emotional, physical, mental and sexual trauma. Court mandated to reside at a group home but now upon discharge Tiffani is showing some ambivalence on her next place of residence. 

From the list of solution-focused questions on page 520 (e.g., exception questions, coping questions, scalin

US Health Care System

Proposal for US Health Care System

Proposals for US Health Care System will now be an individual, written-only assignment.

As a public health professional, it is important to convey evidence-based public health information so that the public will be properly informed on the myths and realities of public health/healthcare issues and the US healthcare system. You are learning about the US Health Care System. You can see what works and doesnt work so well. You are now in charge of creating your own US Health Care System that will address at least one failure of the current system. Similarly to all presidential candidates, you must convince the public of why they should support your system. This is your chance to create your own system.

Cencorship in television

Write a 1500 to 1600 ( 1500 word minimum) word persuasive research paper (about six pages) on one of the following topics listed below. Your research must include citations from three peer-reviewed journals. These journals are available in hard copy or the internet. Other than the journals, sources can come from wherever you choose: books, internet, newspapers, film. Also, when establishing narrative viewpoint, use third-person. No first person allowed. Please follow MLA guidelines, including a properly formatted Works Cited page.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

primary post:  What challenges do you see between the planning and managing of the program and the projects within that program?  What insights can you offer to best manage these?

two secondary responses -  Considering the challenges and potential handling actions offered by your peers, in what ways can your SOP be refined to integrate these insights?  What additional insights can you offer? 

class work

My topic is Medicare for all, so I have to repond back to two other people in my class via discussion board online. The opposing arguments Ill be responding to is privatization and healthcare and 1 other post for A mix of public and private healthcare coverage. Each post needs to be a minimum of 200 words or more with total of 400 words minimum. I attached in the files 2 students work. That is going to be written about. Also I attached the assignment. Im only required to do part 3 on that page.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Four Questions. 300-400 words each with a credible references for each question.

1.What was the role of the colonies in the British mercantilist system?

2. Why was the constitution a controversial document even as it was being written?

3. Why did womens issues suddenly become so promising in American culture?

4. How did plantation crops and slavery system change between 1800-1860?  Why did these changes occur?

crisis in news media

Blackboard Assignment #1
BB#1: Corona Virus News Story Analysis
(FYI - Epidemic is the outbreak of the disease in a community; while pandemic is the outbreak of the disease globally.)
Find a specific news story about the Corona Virus Crisis the DAY 4/16you do this assignment
a) Source a story in the news about the Corona Virus Crisis via direct link & state the date you found it.
b) Specify what stage of the crisis you think this event is in at this point (Support your choice)
c) Specify what stage in the news media you think this event is in at this point (Support your choice)
d) Discuss which theories fit the situation in terms of how the national voices are handling this specific issue related to the crisis that the story is about at this point of the story you are citing (Support your selections)
e) The publics being targeted are obvious: the entire nation! (Ch. 3) - but specifically for THIS story (are any specific audiences being addressed/targeted?...

Chemical and fire safety

1-chemical hazards and fire safety chapters summary, two short paragraphs, you may write them from the book and find any story of any accident from life or from internet without changing any part of it. Copy paste the accident as a true story of a real accident story.
2-    A simple (example) scenario is shown with a photo  you need to summarize main chemical safety points plus fire safety point, two paragraphs only and write an accident story like in the example given but make it longer using the net, no need to photos unless you got one.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

A Correlation Coefficient is a measurement of the relationship between two variables.  A positive correlation means that as one variable increases, the second variable increases too.  A negative correlation means that as one variable increases, the second variable decreases, or as one variable decreases, the second variable increases.  Positive and negative correlations exists in nature, science, business, as well as a variety of other fields.  Please watch the following video for a graphical explanation of the correlation coefficient:

find an example of each of the following and cite your source.

      two variables with a positive correlation

      two variables with a negative correlation