

Archive for the ‘Not applicable’ Category

Speech Review

Watch two TED videos and write 2-3 paragraphs (1/2 page) observations/comments for each video.
1. https://www.ted.com/talks/alan_smith_why_you_should_love_statistics?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare
- Why you should love statistics!

2. https://www.ted.com/talks/david_epstein_are_athletes_really_getting_faster_better_stronger?utm_campaign=tedspread&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=tedcomshare
- Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger?

After viewing the video linked above, please write 2-3 paragraphs sharing what you learned and/or thought about the information presented. DO NOT simply repeat what was said, as I have already seen the video. I want to know what you think about the information.

The first paragraph should be your interpretation of what message you think the speaker was trying to convey. The second paragraph should be your assessment as to how the message applies to preparing or deliv

Discussion Responses (Religions of Ancient Iran Course)

Please dedicate 1 page per response to each weeks readings. I have attached the readings that you will need. I have also provided a peer's sample answer for each weeks discussion. Please do not copy it but feel free to use it as inspiration.

Week 1 Reading: Briant & Stolper Forgotten Empire extracts
(1 page)

Sample Response: What struck me most about this weeks readings is how power explains itself. The Cyrus Cylinder is an excellent example of this. The narrative that the document presents denies the human agency and the historicity of political conflicts. It depicts Cyrus as the executor of the divine will, a tactic that is not entirely alien to the modern world we inhabit.

But if power can conquer and rule, why does it disguise itself under cover of divine law and order? Why is power justified and is not in itself a justification?

In her article, Baghoolizadeh explains that religion was used to placate newly conquered peoples more swiftly. I am

Applied Mathematics – constructing a mathematical. model

Essay Question: Consider a species that occupies a large, but fixed, number of islands. The distribution of the species across all islands is maintained by a balance between local extinctions and local colonization events. Devise a model for the relationship between the fraction of islands occupied by the species and time. Be clear to outline the assumptions you make and be sure to describe your key predictions.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Question 1 I want you to talk to your parents/caregivers about what you were like as a baby. Based on what you have learned about temperament, how would they classify you? Can you connect this to the evocative genotype-environment effect? Remember, I am looking for insight into what you have learned and clear examples of how it relates to your experiences/life. Also, remember that I want to hear YOUR voice, not something copied from the internet.

Question 2 help me create a visualization of the Information Cycle as we collectively experienced it during a recent event: The January 6th attack on the United States Capitol. Where did you first learn about the events that took place on January 6th? Social Media? Word of mouth? News? Be specific!!! Upon hearing about the event, where did you go to seek additional information? How has the information changed over time?
What is required in order to get an accurate portrayal of the event? Is it possible to have comprehensive, accurate

M6.2 Discussion: Oral Communication – Our Career Futures


In Module 5, we examined Excelsiors General Education Career Competencies and learned how these skills will be beneficial in the future of work. One of the most important competencies is oral communication. In fact, according to an Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) 2018 survey of business executives and hiring managers (Links to an external site.) the ability to effectively communicate orally was the most important skill for college graduates entering the workforce. It ranked ahead of critical thinking, ethical decision-making, teamwork, time management, and written communication. So, in this discussion, you will practice your oral communication through a video post. Youll get another chance to practice this skill in the Module 8 discussion, so dont worry if you havent quite mastered it this week.

Begin by reading pages 6.3 through 6.10 in the webtext on career planning and page 6.11 on the oral communication discussion.

politics of USA

-Each student must present their literature summary writing assignment. The presentation may not be longer than 8 minutes. Things to think about when preparing your presentation:
-Your primary goal is to present a summary of the articles that you have selected for your writing assignment.
-You do not have time to cover every detail of the paper. Focus instead on how each source contributes to the body of knowledge about the topic.
Organize your presentation in a way that demonstrates your evaluation of the sources in terms of how each one relates to other sources and to the major debates on the topic.
-Do not speak for more than eight minutes.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Catherine suffered serious physical injuries in an automobile accident and became acutely depressed as a result. One morning, she received a check for $17,400 in settlement of her claims arising out of the accident. She endorsed the check and placed it on the kitchen table. She then called Robert, her longtime roommate, to tell him the check had arrived. That afternoon, she was found dead in the apartment. The police found the check and a note from her, stating that she was giving it to Robert. Had Catherine negotiated the check to Robert?

Theory X and theory Y

You will be assigned a night to lead the class in a 30-
minute discussion related to our course readings. You will develop a plan for stimulating debate,
whether it is a class activity, small group discussions, bringing in outside materials like video
clips or a short in-class reading, discussion questions posed to the class or anything else you can
dream up. The texts and theories are by no means perfect, so this is a chance to engage in
thoughtful, scholarly critique about the readings for the week.  The reading comes from Organization Communication Foundations, Challenges, and Misunderstandings (Chapter 3) also i need a outline and assignment for the class to do.

High street bricks-and-mortar retailers are increasingly conducting their business online. For a while their branding can rely on their high street heritage but how do you think the brand should be managed as the online presence comes to dominate?

The basic format of the essay should be a theory, concept or approach which is critically analysed. Then a case study or practical example should be presented that not only illustrates how the theory can be applied but also reveals further critical insights into the theory itself. The
Has the student identified and analysed the unique competitive advantage of the business?
Has the student identified and analysed what the customers value and are willing to pay for?
Has the student identified and analysed the attempts by the company to minimise its costs?
conclusion should demonstrate how the case study can lead to an improvement in the theory.
Students should make all efforts to avoid plagiarism by reading and reflecting on the information sources before committing their own thoughts to paper. There is never a reason to copy, although quotations may be occasionally appropriate. It is recommended that students should take note of the Turnitin similarity scor

Business law

Reflective Prompt ABC Clothiers, Inc. has a contract with Taylor & Sons, a retailer, to deliver one thousand (1,000) summers suits to Taylors place of business on or before May 1. On April 1, Taylor receives a letter from ABC informing him that ABC will not be able to make the delivery as scheduled, but could make the delivery a month later, on June 1. Taylor is very upset, as he had planned a big ad campaign, half the summer will be over by June 1 and wants to sue ABC right away. Assume that Taylor & Sons can either file immediately or wait until ABC fails to deliver the goods on May 1. What course of action is better under the circumstances?