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A bipolar disorder is a disorder that is associated with the occurrences of moods of swing that range from depressive lows to hysterical highs. Several studies have been conducted to determine the exact causes of bipolar disorders, but it has not been established so far. Scholars have predicted that this disorder could result from an amalgamation of genetics, environment, and altered formation of the brain. The study will be carried out by first reviewing the literature of the research works done in the same field. This will help identify the gaps that this study will be aiming at addressing. The literature review will also help develop methodologies that might be suitable for the current study.

Purpose & Thesis Statement:

This study aims to describe depressive and bipolar disorders, investigate the causes of the disorders, and come up with possible remedies for preventing depressive and bipolar disorders. In this study, an investigation of depressive bipolar disorders will be done, the factors that lead to the disorders and possible ways of preventing the disorders will be explored.

1st Main Point: That Serves to Support Your Thesis:

· Substantial uncertainty exists concerning the prevalence of the depressive bipolar disorder in persons suffering other underlying health conditions (Hudson et al, pg. 165). This article aims at supporting this main point by surveying the rate of prevalence of the depressive bipolar disorder. It also provides sufficient information in forming the basis of the current study.

· There exist different causes of depressive bipolar disorder in the current society. Drug and alcohol use has been suggested to be the major cause of the condition (Grunze et al, pg. 357). The article explains how alcohol and drugs cause depressive bipolar disorder and suggests possible remedies for controlling it by reducing alcohol uptake.

2nd Main Point: That Serves to Support Your Thesis:

· Investigations have been conducted to develop effective ways to control depressive bipolar disorder. Studies have indicated that one of the most effective ways of controlling this disorder is using fish oil (McNamara et al, pg. 480). Fish oil and fish have been proven to be rich in two of the three omega-3 fatty acids, i.e., eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid. The two fatty acid supplements play a significant role in altering the chemical in the brain that deals with mood disorders.

· Bipolar disorders have been less common in countries where food consumption is, and fish supplements are very high (Li et al, pg. 319). People suffering from this condition have low levels of omega-3 fatty acids in the blood. The omega-3 fatty acids are responsible for reducing irritability and aggression, maintaining mood stability, reducing the symptoms of depression, and improving the brain's functioning.

3rd Main Point that Serves to Support Your Thesis

· Depressive bipolar disorder causes energy loss, and the people suffering from it require more sleep (Kolar et al, pg. 136003). The disorder also causes depression and hopelessness. In case of depression, loss of appetite also becomes inevitable. The long-term effects of this are irritability and restlessness.

· People suffering from this condition may also experience episodes of depression, overwhelming joy, excitement, a lot of energy, sleeplessness (Perrotta, pg. 920). The experiences of depressive bipolar disorder are uniquely personal. This means that no two people are going through the same experiences due to depressive bipolar disorder.


The study's conclusion will be drawn from the data and findings of the study. After the survey has been done, data will be collected. The data will help conclude the causes, effects, and ways of controlling depressive bipolar disorder-related effects.


Grunze, Heinz, et al. "Comorbid bipolar and alcohol use disorder—a therapeutic challenge." Frontiers in psychiatry 12 (2021): 357.

Hudson, Chloe C., Layla Hall, and Kate L. Harkness. "Prevalence of depressive disorders in individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A meta-analysis." Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 47.1 (2019): 165-175.

Kolar, David, et al. "Mini-review: Brain energy metabolism and its role in animal models of depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and autism." Neuroscience Letters 760 (2021): 136003.

Li, Wenbin, et al. "Emotion-Related Network Reorganization Following Fish Oil Supplementation in Depressed Bipolar Offspring: An fMRI Graph-Based Connectome Analysis." Journal of Affective Disorders 292 (2021): 319-327.

McNamara, Robert K., et al. "Fish oil supplementation alters emotion‐generated corticolimbic functional connectivity in depressed adolescents at high‐risk for bipolar I disorder: A 12‐week placebo‐controlled fMRI trial." Bipolar disorders (2021).

Perrotta, G. "Bipolar disorder: definition, differential diagnosis, clinical contexts and therapeutic approaches." J Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery 5 (2019).


Abnormal Psychology Research Paper Outline – Rubric

Collapse All Abnormal Psychology Research Paper Outline – Rubric

Explains the Selected Topic

3.4 / 4

Criteria Description

Explanation of the selected topic is outlined.

4. Acceptable (3.4 points)

Explanation of the selected abnormal psychology topic is clear and thorough.

Criteria Comments

Good, although I think you're reaching a bit too far here – can you really propose new methodologies for studies?

Introduction with Hook and Background

8.5 / 10

Criteria Description

Introduction includes a hook and background. Proper purpose and thesis are evident.

4. Acceptable

Introduction includes hook and background. Proper purpose and thesis are clear and thorough.

Criteria Comments

Good, but you'll report the remedies, not come up with them.

Provides Three Applicable Subtopics

6 / 8

Criteria Description

Clearly provides three applicable subtopics for selected subject

3. Approaching

Three applicable subtopics for selected subject is appropriate and relevant but is missing some important details or lacks clarity.

Criteria Comments

The subtopics aren't explained/given – what exactly are they? These are good, although I did want to mention that for the final paper, the rubric requires a couple of things, including societal impact and which model of abnormality this fits best with, so be sure to add those as sections too.

Scholarly, Peer Reviewed Articles

8 / 8

Criteria Description

Includes 3-6 scholarly, peer-reviewed articles from the last five years.

5. Target

Three to five relevant and recent sources are cited and are flawlessly integrated into the essay to support the content.

Criteria Comments

Good sources!


2 / 2

Criteria Description

Conclusion: Outlines proposed summary of subject.

5. Target

Conclusion is clear, comprehensive, and insightful.

Criteria Comments


Mechanics of Writing

4 / 4

Criteria Description

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.

5. Target

No mechanical errors are present. Appropriate language choice and sentence structure are used throughout.

Criteria Comments

Good work in this area. No issues here.

Research Citations

3 / 4

Criteria Description

Includes in-text citations for paraphrasing and direct quotes, and reference page listing and formatting, as appropriate to assignment and style.

3. Approaching

Reference page is included, and lists sources used in the paper. Sources are appropriately documented, although some errors may be present.

Criteria Comments

Italicize the journal name and the first number, which is the issue number. The year of publication goes after the names. Follow this format: An example of a typical reference of a periodical is as follows: Andrew, B. C. (2009). A study of child learning styles. Children Science Quarterly, 2(3), 120-142. “Children Science Quarterly, 2” should all be in italics (I can’t make that happen in this comment). The author surname and initials appear first followed by the year of publication in parentheses; the article title appears second; the journal name appears third in italics followed by volume number also in italics; the issue number follows in parentheses; and page numbers at the end.

© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Warning: Use of undefined constant woothemes - assumed 'woothemes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/admin/web/qualityessayresearch.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/cushy/search.php on line 67
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Feedback From Instructor

 These are great bullets and you already wrote a paragraph for a lot of them! That was great that you did that to give context, outline the themes, talk about the gaps, etc. You will tie it all together in Wk 6 now.  Make sure to label your sections appropriately so they line-up as good, succinct and meaningful titles in the table of contents. So, you will have section heading and sub-section headings. The outline headings are the table of contents.  I see where you started and where it ended with the way you laid it out. Thanks for breaking down the key points in a way that you can work from for your final paper. Nice work putting together 15+ references. The only thing to improve on is to add the correct APA 7E formatting and DOI URLs when possible. This is a good start for your project and will give you a good head start on your dissertation or ADP. I look forward to your full literature review. Good outline, go ahead and write your paper up now, and make sure to break it all up into APA sections that will transfer well to a table of contents. Great work!-Dr.Jones




Literature Review Outline

1. Introduction

0. The purpose of this potential mixed-method or qualitative study is to examine the how work from home mandate helped or hurt business continuity. Azadegan et al., (2020), describes business continuity as the process of creating prevention and recovery systems to deal with potential threats to an organization. In 2020, the world experienced an unexpected factor that interrupted the continuity of many businesses. As a current federal employee, I can first-hand attest to the changes in our business continuity, for my organization has now exceed two years of continuously working from home, since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

0. I intend to explore the research topic of : How working from home during the COVID- 19 pandemic has affected the business continuity of federal organizations.COVID-19 is considered to be a pandemic changed everything across the entire world. This pandemic has left a huge portion of the workforce not able to either commute to their workstation, in order to strive towards mitigating the spreading of the virus. This has led to employees and also their employers trying to find out new work arrangements alternatives, more so within a city that is fast paced. As a result of the pandemic, most of the workers had to start working from home. Therefore, the option to work from home has turned out to be long-term mandate priority for most federal organizations. The research conducted on working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic will provide critical results on whether the work arrangement will continue being a transitory element that will be responding to the circumstances that are exceptional it if it might be an arrangement that is permanent (Bao et al., 2020).

1. Key Points

1. Work/Life Balance

1. Individuals More Likely to Work from Home

1. Study 1 (Gender)

1. Study 2 (Income)

1. Study 3 (Personality)

1. Mental Health with Working from Home

2. Study 4 (Positive effects)

The social isolation has, on most occasions, been placed forward as the major disadvantage when it comes to remote working with effects that are more serious in case of remote working that is full time as it to a great extent curtails opportunities amidst the workers for social interaction (Tripathi & Bagga, 2020).

2. Study 5 (Negative effects)

1. Importance of Research Question

2. Workplace Continuity/Production- increases productivity and leads to healthier lifestyles.

2. Retainability of Employees

2. Telework or Work from Home Success

1. Identified Gaps in Literature

3. Increased Cybersecurity Risks

3. Resolving Technical Challenges

3. Employee Isolation – 29% of remote employees have reported struggle with work-life balance, and 31% said they have needed to take a day off for their mental health (Ansong & Boateng, 2018).

1. Conclusion

4. What are the contributions of this literature to the field? The contribution of this study will provide results of how working from home affected the continuity of federal workplaces, weather good or bad, this will provide information for organizations in the future, if ever faced with a world changing pandemic.

4. What are the overall strengths? The strengths of this study will come from the participant data that will be collected. Working from home enables one to have an environment that is a lot quieter which is capable of facilitating work that is more focused (Chi et al., 2021).

4. What are the overall weaknesses? With the quantitative data approach, it is the information that is in a position to get quantified. Therefore, within this research, the results that will be obtained will be quite objective in nature, making them to be accurate (Allan, 2020)

4. What might be missing? The information that is missing from existing literature so far is if teleworking or working from home will become the ‘norm’ in the future. Data is so raw right now that it’s hard to say.

4. What are some next steps for research? It is probable that the COVID-19 most obvious impact on the labor force is the dramatic increment in the workers operating remotely (Tripathi & Bagga, 2020). It’s been estimated that by 2025, there could be at least 70% of employees will have the opportunity to work from home (Barrero et al., 2021).


Attaran, M., Attaran, S., & Kirkland, D. (2019). The need for digital workplace: increasing workforce productivity in the information age. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems (IJEIS), 15(1), 1-23.

Allan, G., & Skinner, C. (Eds.). (2020). Handbook for research students in the social sciences. Routledge.

Ansong, E., & Boateng, R. (2018). Organisational adoption of telecommuting: Evidence from a developing country. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 84(1), 1–15.

Bao, L., Li, T., Xia, X., Zhu, K., Li, H., & Yang, X. (2020). How does working from home affect developer productivity?—A case study of Baidu during COVID-19 pandemic. arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.13167.

Barrero, J. M., Bloom, N., & Davis, S. J. (2021). Why working from home will stick (No. w28731)? National Bureau of Economic Research.

Bouziri, H., Smith, D. R., Descatha, A., Dab, W., & Jean, K. (2020). Working from home in the time of COVID-19: how to best preserve occupational health? Occupational and environmental medicine, 77(7), 509-510.

Chi, O. H., Saldamli, A., & Gursoy, D. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on management-level hotel employees’ work behaviors: Moderating effects of working-from-home. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 98, 103020.

Feng, Z., & Savani, K. (2020). Covid-19 created a gender gap in perceived work productivity and job satisfaction: implications for dual-career parents working from home. Gender in Management: A Munna, A. S., Shaikh, M., & Imam, S. (2020). Working from Home vs Learning from Home: A Critical Investigation and Analysis during the COVID-19. Online Submission12(3), 23-29.International Journal.

Green, N., Tappin, D., & Bentley, T. (2020). Working from home before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: Implications for workers and organizations. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 45(2), 5-16.

Munna, A. S., Shaikh, M., & Imam, S. (2020). Working from Home vs Learning from Home: A Critical Investigation and Analysis during the COVID-19. Online Submission12(3), 23-29.

Oakman, J., Kinsman, N., Stuckey, R., Graham, M., & Weale, V. (2020). A rapid review of mental and physical health effects of working at home: how do we optimise health? BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1-13.

Shu, P., & Steinwender, C. (2019). The impact of trade liberalization on firm productivity and innovation. Innovation Policy and the Economy, 19(1), 39-68.

Thorstensson, E. (2020). The influence of working from home on employees' productivity. Karlstad Businees School, 1-26.

Tripathi, A., & Bagga, T. (2020). Leveraging Work from Home for Business Continuity during COVID-19 Pandemic–With Reference to BI Solution Adoption. Indian Journal of Economics and Business, 19(1), 19-34.

Van Der Lippe, T., & Lippényi, Z. (2020). Co‐workers working from home and individual and team performance. New Technology, Work and Employment, 35(1), 60-79.

Running head:



Feedback F

rom Instructor

These are great bullets and you already wrote a paragraph for a lot of them! That

was great that you did that to give context, outline the themes, talk about the gaps,

etc. You will tie it all together in Wk 6 now.

Make sure to label your sections


iately so they line

up as good, succinct and meaningful titles in the table of

contents. So, you will have section heading and sub

section headings. The outline

headings are the table of contents.

I see where you started and where it ended with

the way yo

u laid it out. Thanks for breaking down the key points in a way that you

can work from for your final paper. Nice work putting together 15+ references. The

only thing to improve on is to add the correct APA 7E formatting and DOI URLs when

possible. This is

a good start for your project and will give you a good head start on

your dissertation or ADP. I look forward to your full literature review. Good outline,

go ahead and write your paper up now, and make sure to break it all up into APA

sections that will

transfer well to a table of contents. Great work!



Literature Review Outline




The purpose of this potential mixed

method or qualitative study is to examine the

how work from home mandate helped or hurt business continuity. Azadegan et al.,



business continuity


the process of creating prevention and

recovery sys

tems to deal with potential threats to an organization. In 2020, the world

experienced an unexpected factor that interrupted the continuity of many businesses.

As a current federal employee, I can first

hand attest to the changes in our business


, for my organization has now exceed two years of continuously working

from home, since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.



intend to explore the research topic of : How working from home during the


19 pandemic has affected the business co

ntinuity of



19 is considered to be a pandemic changed everything across

the entire world. This pandemic has left a huge portion of the workforce not able to

either commute to their workstation, in order to strive towards mitigat

ing the

spreading of the virus. This has led to employees and also their employers trying to

find out new work arrangements alternatives, more so within a city that is fast paced.

As a result of the pandemic, most of the workers had to start working from h


Therefore, the option to work from home has turned out to be long

term mandate

priority for most federal organizations.



research conducted on working from

home during the COVID

19 pandemic will provide critical results on whether the

work arrangement will continue being a transitory element that will be responding to

the circumstances that are exceptional it if it might be

an arrangement that is

permanent (Bao et al., 2020).


Key Points


Feedback From Instructor

These are great bullets and you already wrote a paragraph for a lot of them! That

was great that you did that to give context, outline the themes, talk about the gaps,

etc. You will tie it all together in Wk 6 now. Make sure to label your sections

appropriately so they line-up as good, succinct and meaningful titles in the table of

contents. So, you will have section heading and sub-section headings. The outline

headings are the table of contents. I see where you started and where it ended with

the way you laid it out. Thanks for breaking down the key points in a way that you

can work from for your final paper. Nice work putting together 15+ references. The

only thing to improve on is to add the correct APA 7E formatting and DOI URLs when

possible. This is a good start for your project and will give you a good head start on

your dissertation or ADP. I look forward to your full literature review. Good outline,

go ahead and write your paper up now, and make sure to break it all up into APA

sections that will transfer well to a table of contents. Great work!-Dr.Jones

Literature Review Outline

I. Introduction

a. The purpose of this potential mixed-method or qualitative study is to examine the

how work from home mandate helped or hurt business continuity. Azadegan et al.,

(2020), describes business continuity as the process of creating prevention and

recovery systems to deal with potential threats to an organization. In 2020, the world

experienced an unexpected factor that interrupted the continuity of many businesses.

As a current federal employee, I can first-hand attest to the changes in our business

continuity, for my organization has now exceed two years of continuously working

from home, since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

b. I intend to explore the research topic of : How working from home during the

COVID- 19 pandemic has affected the business continuity of federal

organizations.COVID-19 is considered to be a pandemic changed everything across

the entire world. This pandemic has left a huge portion of the workforce not able to

either commute to their workstation, in order to strive towards mitigating the

spreading of the virus. This has led to employees and also their employers trying to

find out new work arrangements alternatives, more so within a city that is fast paced.

As a result of the pandemic, most of the workers had to start working from home.

Therefore, the option to work from home has turned out to be long-term mandate

priority for most federal organizations. The research conducted on working from

home during the COVID-19 pandemic will provide critical results on whether the

work arrangement will continue being a transitory element that will be responding to

the circumstances that are exceptional it if it might be an arrangement that is

permanent (Bao et al., 2020).

II. Key Points

Warning: Use of undefined constant woothemes - assumed 'woothemes' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/admin/web/qualityessayresearch.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/cushy/search.php on line 67
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Ford Motor Company External Business Environment Analysis

Matthew Leteff


Dr. Kathy Frisbie

BMGT 495

March 16, 2022

Ford Motor External Environment Analysis

Porter’s Five Forces Model

The Porter’s Five Forces model is a critical tool for evaluating the performance of any industry (Edwards, 2014). The technique lends itself to scanning through the industry's external environment to assess the influence of factors such as the power of suppliers and buyers, the threats of substitutes and new entrants in the industry, and the competitive Rivalry among industry players.  Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Is this our course eBook? The citation should be (The Saylor Foundation, 2014, p. X).Page/para info required for all citations in this course, except videos and podcasts.

Rivalry among competitors in the industry: Competitors operate in the same sector and produce similar if not the same goods and services. Firms in the same industry employ many techniques to compete and gain market clout (Bruijl, 2018). To sustain the existing market base and infiltrate into new markets, the companies engage in new offerings, price wars, and massive advertisements.

The threat of prospective new entrants: The entry of new firms impends the prominence of the existing companies by increasing the industry competitiveness and reducing the profit potentials. New firms can enter the industry through various ways, for instance, foreign companies entering new geographical areas, novel companies started by entrepreneurs, or suppliers deciding to compete with their customers.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Course materials needed to support this definition.

The threat of substitutes for products offered by the industry: Substitutes are goods and services that are different from those provided by the competitor but serve the same purpose as those provided by the industry. Substitutes can have a massive swing on the industry profits; however, this is pegged on the effectiveness of the substitutes to serve the customer's needs.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Course materials needed to support this definition.

The bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers are the providers of essential raw materials that the industry needs to create goods and services for the customers. Therefore, the conduct of the suppliers has an immense influence on the industry's performance. For instance, the degree of the industry competitors' powers relative to the suppliers drives and controls the price of inputs which eventually dictates the cost of the products and services of the industry.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Course materials needed to support this definition.

Power of buyers in the industry: The power of the buyers influences the production and demand of the industry products and services. If the relative strength of the buyers in the sector is more significant than for the competitors, the firms in the market may be forced to reduce prices, which may result in the decreased profit potential of the industry.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Course materials needed to support this definition.

Porter’s Five Forces for Automobile Industry

Competitive Rivalry in the Automobile industry: The intensity of competition among firms in the automobile industry stems from factors such as brand recognition and investment in research and development, which is the precursor of introducing high-end products (Bruijl, et al.,2018). The industry competitiveness has also been influenced by market concentration. The automobile market is highly concentrated, with five firms, Volkswagen, Toyota, Ford, Daimler, and General Motors, controlling over 50% of the industry revenue. In this regard, the competition in the automobile industry is moderate since major players still report impressive revenue and profits.

The threat of new entrants in the automobile industry: The risk of new entrants in the automobile industry is weak. This low threat of entrants is influenced by the strength of the existing brands, the heavy investment costs, and high-end technology requirements. The low risk of new entrants gives the existing companies better opportunities to report high revenue and profits.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Agreed. But is there support for this from the industry research?

The threat of substitutes for automobile products: The risk of replacements for automobile products is determined by the availability and affordability of other means of transport and technological advancement. With the increased environmental concern, firms have focused on EVs, thus mooting out the threat of the customers' shift to other substitute products. In light of this information, the threat of substitutes for the industry products is weak, making the industry more profitable.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Agreed. But is there support for this from the industry research?

The power of suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers in the automobile industry is influenced by the number of suppliers and the suppliers’ substitutability. Due to high technology in the automobile industry, suppliers have become knowledge partners and solution providers, thus increasing their bargaining powers. Therefore the power of suppliers is moderate. Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Agreed. But is there support for this from the industry research?Comment by Kathy Frisbie: It would be worth noting the microchip shortage that has halted production in recent months.

The power of buyers: The power of buyers is influenced by the global economic outlook, the frequency of purchase, and the customers' propensity towards a particular brand. The buyers in this industry are individuals and government or corporations who buy a fleet of vehicles. Due to low shifting costs, the bargaining power of buyers in the automobile industry is vital. This influences and drives the price and profit earned by industry players.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Agreed. But is there support for this from the industry research?Comment by Kathy Frisbie: What is the profit potential for this industry overall? Consider that the entire purpose of this analysis is to determine an industry’s profit potential (The Saylor Foundation, 2014, p. 88).

Ford Motor Company Porter’s Five Forces Analysis

Competitive Rivalry: Ford Motor is confronted with fierce competition from other established firms in the industry. The key competitors of Ford are General Motors, Toyota, and Volkswagen, among others. The competitors of Ford, such as Volkswagen and Toyota, invested $ 16.5billion, $ 10.21billion, and $ in R&D in 2021 (Fortsch, et al., 2022). This investment was higher than Ford's investment which stood at $ 7.1billion over the same period. In light of this information, Ford Motor's competitor's Rivalry is intense, which is likely to affect the company's market clout and revenue.

Threats of potential new entrants: Ford Motor is not threatened by the prospective new players since the cost of establishing an automobile plant and technological demands are very high. As such, the risk of new firms infiltrating the industry and competing to reduce the market clout of Ford Motor is weak. Due to the impotent threats of new entrants, the profitability of Ford Motor is not jeopardized.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Agreed. But is there support for this from the company research?

The threats of substitutes for Ford Motor’s Products: Firms in the industry producers closely differentiated products; therefore, customers can easily switch to the competitors’ products. As such, the threat against Ford Motor's development is moderate. Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Agreed. But is there support for this from the company research?

Suppliers' bargaining power: Suppliers influence Ford Motor's operation; however, this impact is moderate. The moderate supplier population and the moderate overall supply provide the suppliers with moderate bargaining power over Ford Motor. Additionally, the influence of suppliers against Ford is curtailed by the low level of forwarding vertical integration. Most of Ford's suppliers do not directly own or control the supply of inputs to Ford. The company has also implemented backward vertical integration, which enables it to produce some of the inputs through its Ford River Rouge Complex, thus suppressing the bargaining power of the suppliers (Bruijl, 2018). The company can acquire inputs cost-effectively, thus sustaining the profit potential.

The bargaining power of buyers: The influence of customers on the operation of Ford is epitomized through moderate switching cost to the competitors' products, availability of substitutes, and the moderate size of individual purchases. Due to many firms in the industry, buyers can quickly move to the competitors' products. To this end, the power of buyers to the operation of Ford Motor is moderate.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Agreed. But is there support for this from the company research?Consider the price sensitivity (The Saylor Foundation, 2014, p. 96).

Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis entails combing the industry to identify the key competitors, factors influencing competition, and intensity. Ford Motor Company competes against other established firms, such as General Motors, Toyota, and Honda. The competitors in the industry are companies that produce similar goods and services. These companies use a raft of moves and strategies such as new offerings, price cuts, and aggressive research and development to compete with Ford Motor. For instance, Honda’s CR-V model is a nifty vehicle with an upscale interior and is more spacious to accommodate tons of cargo and space for over four people (Fortsch,et al.,2022). Comparable Ford's Escape model has a sleek exterior design and provides powertrain options. Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Consider also the following factors to determine your top competitors: market share, who has major influence over trends, who seems to have influence with the government, who is at the forefront of innovation, who is experiencing growth versus decline (Kirkwood, 2013).

On the other hand, Toyota Company manufactures high-quality products using cutting edge; for instance, some of the Toyota brands, such as Tundra and Avalon, are known for their reliability and are considered durable. The company holds over 5,675 global patents associated with hydrogen fuel cells, enabling it to produce some of the most reliable green cars in the market. Besides its success, Toyota has faced serious product recalls, which affects its global reputation.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Support needed here. Citing the company website would suffice.

General Motors is another key competitor of Ford; its competitive advantage lies in its vast product portfolio, which spans from its various car models such as Cadillac and Chevrolet. The GMC 2021 Sierra 1500 model is a versatile vehicle with multiple powertrain options, making it more competitive. However, both Ford and GMC have exited the Indian market, likely reducing their market share. Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Support needed here. Citing the company website would suffice.

Critical Success Factors for Automobile Industry

Critical success factors are the elements that define or derive the growth of the project or industry (Gedam, et al., 2021). The automobile industry’s growth is governed by;

Innovation: Firms in the automobile industry are highly innovative and produce highly innovative vehicles that meet the dynamic needs of the customers. With the increased demand for safe driving, firms have accelerated their innovativeness to meet demand.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Support needed for this factor.

Heavy investment in Research and Development: The automobile industry is highly complex and dynamic. To respond to these dynamics, companies in the industry have engaged in intensive R&D, which is the hallmark of the industry's success. For instance, the rolling out of EV vehicles by companies like Tesla primarily stems from massive R&D ( Lee,et al.,2021).

Product range and development: Most of the companies in the automobile industry have a wide range of product portfolios, which increases the market span, enabling the industry's success. For instance, Ford Motor produces a wide range of vehicles, such as Ford Trucks Lincoln vehicles.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Support needed for this factor.

High-quality products: The success of the firms in the automobile industry stems from the production of high-quality vehicles that responds to the customer's preferences. For instance, Stalwart Lexus, made by Toyota and Ford's Fiesta, is considered the highest quality.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Support needed for this factor.

Brand reputation: The automobile industry is dominated by firms that have created and sustained strong brand names. These brands resonate with the customers' preferences, and customers will always like to be associated with specific brands. For instance, companies like Ford, General Motors, and Toyota have strong global appeal, which has been the precursor of the industry's success.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Support needed for this factor.

Substantial market share: The global automobile revenue is estimated to be over $ 2.7trillion as of 2021. This high revenue has given the firms in the industry an impetus for growth and success. A firm with a substantial market share dictates the market prices and has the clout to resist pressures in the market (Yang, et al.,2021). The global market grip has been the critical success factor for the automobile industry.

Distribution Networks: Firms in the automobile industry have well-integrated distribution networks that make the supply chain more effective and timely. For instance, the production of SUVs is concentrated in North America. Still, due to the effective distribution, the vehicles are distributed to the Asian market, where the demand has escalated.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Support needed for this factor.

Compliance: The automobile industry is highly regulated to guarantee the safety and quality of the products. The regulations dictate how the vehicles are designed and manufacture. For instance, emission laws have become a global concern, and automobile makers have been forced to insert catalytic converters to reduce car emissions. Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Support needed for this factor.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Consider also some others as suggested by Jurevicius (2013): clear strategic direction, union relations, successful new introductions, skilled workforce, efficient production

Competitor Profile Matrix

Ford Motor








Critical success factors




















Research and development










High-quality product










Product portfolio










Brand reputation










Strong market position










Distribution networks






























When developing CPM, the critical success factors are assigned weights that range from 0.0 to 1.0.with the critical success factor being given the highest importance ( Edwards, 2014).  To critically evaluate each success factor, ratings from 1-4 are done with 4 implying major strength, 3- means little power, 2 is minor weakness, and one significant drawback. The scores are obtained by multiplying the weights with the ratings. A company with the highest total score is considered more substantial than its competitors.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: How did you determine these weights? See Half Time Report for Week Four.How did you determine the ratings? See Half Time Report for Week Four.Don’t overthink this! The support for your weights and ratings could be the same support you used for your CSFs in the previous section!Comment by Kathy Frisbie: What are the implications of the 2.93 score for Ford?

Partial SWOT (OT) Analysis

Opportunities and Threats TableComment by Kathy Frisbie: EACH of these opportunities and threats should have citations from industry/company research for support. See assignment directions.



Increased demand for EVs

High competition in the market

Increasing demand for SUVs in Asia

Increase in price of raw materials

Increase in digital marketing

Unstable Fuel prices

Demand for autonomous driving

Increased sustainability demands


Slow economic growth resulting from effects of Covid 19

Ford Motor Company opportunities and threats Analysis

OpportunitiesComment by Kathy Frisbie: The opportunities and threats in this analysis here don’t entirely match those in your table.

Increase Customer Base: There is a growing demand for SUVs in the Asian market, especially in China. This growth offers a more excellent avenue for Ford to penetrate the market and increase its customer base. For instance, the company's data shows that its sales in China will increase by over 25% in 2020.

Eco-friendly Vehicle: The market trend shows that the future of the automobile industry rests in the production of eco-friendly products. As such, Ford Motor has invested massively in R&D to profit from the opportunity. For example, the Company's Fusion Hybrid model has already captured the market.

Autonomous driving: As demand for safe driving increases, it offers an opportunity for the growth of Ford Motor (Lee et al., 2021). The company has already taken a step to explore the opportunity through its alliance with Argo Al, the corporation that will develop self-driving technology. Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Consider also that the advantages and disadvantages of your competitor’s products are your threats and opportunities (Valentin, 2001, p. 55).Consider also forces that impact customer value such as changes in customer perceptions, socially induced changes, and technology-induced changes (Valentin, 2001, p. 58).Consider also forces that impact resources and capabilities such as access and exploitation (Valentin, 2001, p. 61).Consider also dynamic competitive forces such as market growth, differential in technological potential, and advances in process technologies (Valentin, 2001, p. 61).Barriers to entry in your industry are considered opportunities (Barney, 1991, p. 104).


High Competition: Ford Motor is confronted with throttling competition from other established firms in the industry, such as Toyota, GMC, and Tesla, among others. The competitors engage in heavy R&D as a way of gaining a competitive advantage.

Market Uncertainty: Since the advent of Covid 19, the automobile market has remained volatile, leading to a drop in global sales. For instance, Ford's sales dropped by about 13% in 2020 compared to a similar period in 2019.

Strong labor unions: The emergence of vocal labor unions in countries like Canada imposes immense pressure on the operation of Ford (Conrad & Graham, 2021). For instance, in 2020, due to mounting pressure from the Canadian labor union, it forced the company to invest close to $ 1.4billion in its two plants in Canada to avoid the looming industrial action by the union.

External Factor Evaluation (EFE) Analysis

Ford Motor Company


External Factors








Increasing demand for SUVs in Asia




Increased digital marketing




Autonomous driving








Increased demand for EVs








High competition in the market




High Fixed cost




Unstable Fuel prices




Increased sustainability demand




Slow economic growth








Developing the (EFE) involves assessing the external factors of the industry. These external factors are assigned weights in a range of 0.00 to 1.00, and the impact external factor on the company performance is rated (Zulkarnain, et al.,2018). The rating of 1-4 and the overall effects of each factor score are obtained by multiplying the weights with ratings. A factor with a higher score is considered a more significant impact on the company. From the external factor evaluation matrix, increasing demand for EVs has a higher score of 0.8, which offers a more fantastic opportunity for Ford Motor. On the other hand, increased competition in the Automobile industry has the highest score of 0.66; thus, it presents a more significant threat to Ford Motor.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Support from course materials required here.Comment by Kathy Frisbie: Good justification…remember support from industry or company research is also required here as part of your justification. Don’t overthink this! The support for your weights and ratings could be the same support you used for your OT Analysis!


Critical evaluation of the external environment of the business provides the managers with important information that can be used to formulate business strategies. Through the application of tools of analysis such as Porter's Five Forces Model and Partial SWOT, this report has explored the external environment of Ford Motor to give insight for strategic formulation.

ReferencesComment by Kathy Frisbie: Matt, while it is noted that you have strong industry and company research for support, it is also noted that no course materials were used for support in this assignment. To improve your grade in Project 3, consider demonstrating a balance between use of course materials and use of company research. See the announcement from week 1 (Focal Company Assignments) for more on how to do this.

Bruijl, G. H. T. (2018). The relevance of Porter's five forces in today's innovative and changing business environment. Available at SSRN 3192207

Conrad, K., & Graham, J. D. (2021). The Benefits and Costs of Automotive Regulations for Low-Income Americans. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis12(3), 518-549.

Edwards, J. (2014). Mastering strategic management.

Fortsch, S. M., Choi, J. H., & Khapalova, E. A. (2022). Competition can help predict sales. Journal of Forecasting41(2), 331-344.

Gedam, V. V., Raut, R. D., Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, A. B., Narkhede, B. E., & Grebinevych, O. (2021). Sustainable manufacturing and green human resources: Critical success factors in the automotive sector. Business Strategy and the Environment30(2), 1296-1313.

Lee, S., Alsoubie, F., & Daim, T. U. (2021). Technology Intelligence Map: Autonomous Car. In Roadmapping Future (pp. 383-398). Springer, Cham.

Yang, G., Cavaliere, M., Zhu, C., & Perc, M. (2021). Strategically positioning cooperators can facilitate the contagion of cooperation. Scientific reports11(1), 1-12.

Zulkarnain, A., Wahyuningtias, D., & Putranto, T. S. (2018, March). Analysis of IFE, EFE and QSPM matrix on business development strategy. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 126, No. 1, p. 012062). IOP Publishing.


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· Check that you included everything that was asked for in the report (not just the workbook). If you missed out computing or discussing e.g. the p-values I couldn’t give you marks for those!

Data description – univariate

· Things I looked for were

· A brief introduction to the variables: what do the quantities mean?

· Use of descriptive statistics to describe the main features of the data e.g. IQR, CV, mean, median, quartiles, standard deviation (together with empirical rule or Chebyshev theorem)

· A little discussion about outliers that were interesting or were removed

· Histograms, polygons, boxplots and/or normal probability plots and discussion of the data distribution shape

· If there was no observation in a data set for a country it should not be treated as zero. Also be suspicious of zeros that do appear in the raw data set – they might have ended up there in place of no observation.

· Be careful with units – state what the units of the variables are and keep using those units for things like mean, standard deviation etc. E.g. cereal yield is in tonnes per capita, not percentage.

· Left skewed or negatively skewed data has a peak near the top of the distribution and a long lower tail.

· A data set does not have to fall into {left skewed, symmetric/normal, right skewed}. There are many other variations (without specific names, you could just call it asymmetric for instance).

· It wasn’t necessary to transform a data set for the univariate analysis if it was skewed, only if it was so skewed or outliers were so extreme that boxplots etc. were not useful. It could of course be useful for bivariate analysis if one or both variables seem to be lognormal, because then you could still see a linear relation in the scatterplot using the logged variable(s) and linear correlation and regression would be valid.

Data description – bivariate

· Things I looked for were

· A scatterplot and associated discussion (not a line chart or bar chart with series side by side)

· The correlation coefficient being stated and interpreted

· Discussion about why there might or might not be a relationship

· You shouldn’t just rely on the correlation coefficient – if the scatterplot indicates almost no relationship then you should say it is doubtful there is an actual relationship

· If the scatterplot indicates there is a relationship, but it is more likely to be non-linear, you should mention this.

· Don’t just say there might be a third variable and leave it at that. Some discussion is important to show you know what this actually means.

Confidence intervals

· Things I looked for were

· Statement of each confidence interval in a sentence, in the context of the variable

· Discussion of why the confidence intervals were valid (appealing to CLT)

· Some said the sample mean was a good estimate because it was inside the confidence interval. Of course, the sample mean is at the center of the interval! This does not guarantee anything about the accuracy of the estimate.

· If you have dropped countries from the data set, the confidence interval only estimates the mean of the population you have sampled from, which may not be the same population that the countries you dropped come from. E.g. if you drop many African countries from the data set due to lack of data, then you should use caution saying that the confidence interval estimate for the mean still applies to African countries (i.e. only valid if you are quite sure there is no systematic difference between such countries and those included in your sample in the context of your variable.


· Things I looked for were

· Computation of two-tail p-values in the workbook

· An interpretation of the two-tail (not one-tail) p-value for each variable in terms of how likely it is to observe the sample estimate if the assumed population parameter was correct (not in terms of rejection of the null hypothesis or not).

· Don’t guess the parameter value to be equal to the sample mean, otherwise the p-value is guaranteed to be 1 (and is just cheating!)

Professional appearance

· The report should have been easy to read, well-structured, and include charts with titles and axis labels etc.

· You shouldn’t put bar charts of all the countries for each variable into the report – if you want to highlight certain countries e.g. top 5 and bottom 5 just put them into a bar chart.

· You also shouldn’t paste in whole descriptive statistics tables or give values with all the decimal places Excel gives you by default. A good rule of thumb is two or three significant figures. E.g. 542,997 becomes 543,000 and 0.024897874 becomes 0.025 or 0.0249. Also don’t paste in the confidence interval or p-value calculation templates. Managers don’t have time or understanding for technical output. They won’t be impressed; they may just be confused or think you are showing off. They will be impressed if you can boil that technical material down in such a way that they can understand the key points enough to know what decisions need to be made.

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Feed My People

Unearthing the Work Your Soul Must Have:  Ministry Project Guidelines

All papers must be written in the current Turabian 9th edition. Double spaced, 12 pt font, with 1-inch margins on all sides. Ensure proper documentation of footnotes and bibliography is documented correctly along with the below reading references.
Final Ministry Paper/ Project:  Each student will develop and complete the following as foundation for exploring/articulating an authentic ministry interest/research project grounded by a particular theological perspective that benefits the community(ies) that the student is serving or plans to serve based on the three categories listed in red.
    Autobiographical Foundations:
    Theological Foundations:
    Ministry Foundations:
In addition to and as a part of each of the above, students will submit the following:
    1.)  a 2-3 slide PowerPoint presentation
    2.)  a bibliography with the requested sources, books, articles and multi-media resources.

The paper/project/presentation should reflect the students ability to clearly articulate and logically develop a thesis and reference relevant scholarly literature to support the thesis of the proposed ministry project.  Students must adhere to proper standards of scholarly citation as well as correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and guidelines of professionalism. 

Write a Biblically base report where, people are called by God in response to: a.) cries from communities related to oppressive conditions/governments or b.) stalled fulfillment of purpose due to disconnection from God that ultimately causes chaos and normalizes oppression/violence, c.) because the person sent can be trusted. In each case, God comes through a messenger in order to liberate. God typically calls a person based on preparations and passion in order to offer a solution to whatever challenge is faced. Often the solution goes against the grain primarily because the person(s) sent see the problem/solution through a different lens. Often that lens has to do with your authentic theological plumb-line.
The foundational assumption of this assignment is that God called You based on your passions, your past, and your preparation because there is a social concern affecting the lives of people and their ability to live, to learn, to love, to grow.  God called you because built into your experience is a connection and compassion. This assignment is designed to give you permission to imagine a ministry/space/business in which you can affect the lives of others that intersect with your passions, your preparations, and your past.
Autobiographical Foundations:
When you look at the world, what saddens your heart most?
    When I see people eating food out of dumpsters. It breaks my heart.

    I see a need in several communities for affordable food.

How does this relate to your own experiences?
1.    Articulate the social concern that grabs your heart.  What are the historical foundations of the problem?  What solutions do others offer? 5 Bibliographic references on how it relates. Then translate it into theological thinking.
Theological Foundations:
Theology is God Talk. It is thinking and being based on who God is to you, in you and has revealed Gods self to you, through nature, through your experiences, through history, etc.(These are the sources for theological reflection). Connect the theological concern to the social concerns.
If we take seriously that God is interested in humanity (anthropology) and society (sociology), what theological problem exists at the root of your social concern? What do we need to be liberated from theologically in order to live, fully?  Is it a problem with how we have been taught to see God (theology); how we have been taught to see humankind (anthropology); or how we have been taught to believe how society operates (sociology).
2.    For this section articulate the theological concern related to the social concern. What is the theological problem? Do a literature search for theological perspectives related to your social concern. Share 5 resources addressing the concern. You have the freedom to decide what sources you consider theological. Choose at least 2 scholarly articles or books. Add a scripture that connects to this ministry.

    The scripture that speaks to my heart an connects to my ministry is Matthew 25:35
Ministry Foundations:
What do you love doing that makes you feel free to experience Gods presence? What is it that you do that makes you hear your own theme music or feel free/at ease?
Suppose God wants to use what you love to address the social concern that breaks your heart or causes you to feel angry? Suppose God uses the tension of what you love and hate as creative space to transform the lives of others so that they might value themselves enough to know that God loves them.  What might that look like in terms of ministry/business/ space? Write or sketch it out. Find 5 other people/resources doing similar work and add their bibliographical citations. I have provided 3 of 5 on the last page, to incorporate on a power point presentation
    My ministry is to feed people with spiritual food and natural food.
    The name of my store would be F.M.P Grocery Store

    My goal is to build a feeding ministry. My vision is to establish a Non-Profit Free Grocery Store in a community to feed low income and parvis families.

    I would want the building to be accessible as a drive thru as well is a regular store, so people are able to shop for their basic needs.

    There will be Kiosk, on the store grounds to create an order for pick up if persons do not have computer access to place an online order.

    I also want a caf station for dine-in quick meals, i.e Soups, Sandwiches, express meals etc.

    It would allow any persons or family to come in, after filling out the intake information, they grab a cart and pick out things they know their family will eat. There would be an entire produce section with fresh produce that comes in weekly. We would stock nutritionally dense, healthful, low-fat items that are easy to combine and prepare.

Please add to this building. Menu Kiosk for orders for those without a computer.

Below are 3 of 5 sites that is needed
1.    https://www.thestore.org
2.    https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/virginias-only-non-profit-grocery-store-celebrates-re-opening/291-548133053.
3.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5U93C08d7EQ

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Feedback and GMP of Squat

I will be making video explaining Feedback (internal and external) for a squat movement and General Motor Program. The video is not necessarily needed to write a short paper. Are you able to explain the below areas below of the squat? Do you need more information.

1. Feedback for a specific skill

-Knowledge of Results
-Knowledge of Performance

2. General Motor Program choose one GMP and show it in action during two different motor skills. How do the following parameters change:

-Muscles used (will be very similar)
-Order of activation of muscles and de-activation
-Force of muscle contraction
-Duration of muscle contraction

with at least six scholarly APA references and documentation. The reference page is in addition to the five-page executive summary.

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For each of the scenarios below, use at least one reference from the required readings to answer the specific question.

An organization decides that they dont want to spend the large amount of money to use a 360-degree survey from an established vendor and instead decides to develop their own survey. An employee in the human resource department is asked to create a list of 50 questions about different areas of leadership performance. Two of the senior managers look at the questions briefly and then send out the survey as part of a 360-degree process. Once the results come in, there is no rhyme or reason to the results. For example, one top performing leader in the organization gets perfect performance scores from some employees and very negative scores from other employees. Management is not sure if the results from the survey can be trusted or not.
A unit in one organization is having a lot of performance issues and senior management is not sure of the reasons for this. They dont want to fire any employees, but they do think some of the supervisors need to improve their leadership skills. The survey is sent to five employees, which includes two supervisors and three direct reports. They are told that although the survey will be anonymous, the results of each survey will be shared with all five employees; the names will be removed from each survey, and they will all be able to see the evaluation scores on each question. When senior management sees the survey results, they find that all five employees received almost perfect scores and no useful information from the surveys can be found.
A software company is concerned that they are losing market share to their competitors and that their software is not as high in quality as it used to be. In an effort to improve their competitiveness, they decide to use a 360-degree survey process to identify areas for improvement in leadership skills among their top supervisors in their software design department. After searching through a few different 360-degree instruments offered by different vendors, they find a survey that focuses on communication and teamwork skills. The process seems to go very well as supervisors who score low on communication or teamwork agree to go through training to improve these skills. One year later, the 360-degree process is repeated, and most supervisors show greatly improved communication and teamwork skills. However, the quality of the companys software does not seem to have improved at all in spite of the improvements in communication and teamwork.

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You are expecting your first child and are interested in breastfeeding your baby. You would also like to return to work relatively soon. You have to decide how valuable breastfeeding is and whether you can work and breastfeed.

Prepare a short (4-6 pages) research paper that identifies several key issues related to the scenario you chose for your Lot in Life. Incorporate at least 8-10 scholarly, credible, and current references to support your ideas, drawing primarily from government and community agencies as well as scholarly journals and books. Include in-text citations and a reference list in APA format.

Your paper should have a cover sheet that lists your name, the BEHS 343 section number and the scenario you have chosen. Your paper should be double-spaced and use a standard font (e.g. Times New Roman, 12 pt). Be sure to include a reference list at the end of your Part 2 assignment.

Paste your Part 1 assignment in at the end of this research paper.

Assignment Format and Referencing Style

Use UMGC’s online Guide to Writing and Research for the format, especially for how to cite your references. You may also wish to consult guidelines for APA style. (Do not use footnotes at the bottom of the page; rather, following APA, list your references at the end of the paper.)

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Essay Review Feedback

Review the attached essay and please comment on the following and be as specific as possible. Play “devil’s advocate” if that helps you point places for possible improvement.

– Thesis: Clear, compelling, unexpected, “right-sized” (good fit with analysis)?
– Analysis: Clear organizing contrast and sub-categories? Specific textual evidence?
– Organization: Easy to follow? Clear organizational pattern and topic sentences?
– Conclusion: Clear wrap-up and take-away? Justification for why it matters or connects with a larger research questions?

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This research paper include 10 pages. First 5 pages are done. I need you to do the next 5 pages and 5 references. Also i need abstract for this research paper. Below are the instructions for this research paper. I uploaded the first 5 pages of this research paper.

III.  Legislative section:                                                                                                                  4 pages
                            1. Legislative background of problem
                            2. Your own legislative/regulatory or communications innovation
                            3. Anticipated impact if implemented (or worsened problem if not)
IV.  Conclusion: Tie together points made about issue, & refer to implications beyond  half-1 page 
V.  References:10 2015-2020 academic, professional, & legislative refs          beyond text pages

Do not get carried away into tangential things while writing the text.  Stick to a strict structure, & follow your outline carefully, so that you do not waste time & effort on general, vague  statements, extraneous opinions, & emotional declarations you would have to cut in order for the paper to follow this sequence to be logical & clear to policymakers.

Do not string together a series of direct quotes instead of formulating your own policy perspective.  But do cite ideas & facts evincing scientific/medical/public health & legislative/policy evidence for the urgency of a policy intervention.

Tone:  This paper is not the same kind of paper in which you are expected to simply express yourself, as was true for your brief COVID paper.  It is also not a flashy newspaper item in which you have to sound like the coolest guy on earth.  This paper must have a solid medical professional/public health understanding, used to inform policymakers of an urgent problem, the insufficient ways it was already partially dealt with through legislation, regulations, & policies.  Most importantly, you have a fresh policy plan to solve it!

Please discuss the actual legislation of relevant policy info, now that you have a better understanding of how the US health care system & governmental policymaking works!


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