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Here are the posts related to "feed"

Journal: Providing Useful Feedback

Introduction: Staying in compliance with EEO law and making sure diversity is represented in the workforce is the responsibility of the HR manager and staff as assigned. However, it is not only a good idea and a legal imperative to be fair, it makes good business sense as well. The population is becoming much more diverse in the United States, and thus the customers are much more diverse as well. Having a workforce that represents all the diversity of the U.S. makes good sense as the workforce can more closely relate to the client or customers needs.

Scenario: As your companys HR professional, you have completed a review of the employees performance appraisal feedback they have received. You have discovered that there are differences in the type of feedback that men and women receive. Positive feedback for men most often cited specific goals that were met and technical skills for development, whereas feedback for women was in general terms; for example, good job this year. Feedback for women often was about a need to improve communication style. This makes it more difficult for women to apply feedback and positively contribute to the companys performance goals. Since men received specific suggestions, they could more easily identify assignments and opportunities for promotions.

Your manager wants to be sure that the performance appraisal system supports everyone fairly and links to the companys goals.


-Explain how the current performance appraisal system impacts the company.
-How can the company help managers give feedback that links the goals of the company to the individuals goals?
-What type of performance appraisal approach would best fit with providing specific, actionable feedback? Why?

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Regulation and Feedback Short Essay

The Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis is responsible for a wide variety of normal physiologic functions.  It is essential to have a firm understanding of how the normal feedback loop works in order to understand alterations involving the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate understanding of the normal feedback regulation of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary Axis and recognition of alterations in normal regulation.

Compose a short (1 4 pages) essay explaining the role of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary axis and normal feedback function, including both positive and negative feedback.  As part of your essay, include examples of failed feedback and explain how this leads to altered physiologic functioning.

The essay should be structured, and follow a logical format.  Remember to cite your sources, consistent with the academic integrity policy of Doane.  APA format is required.

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feedback letter


feedback for this short story.(attached below)

Your feedback should be respectful, thoughtful, and specific

Your feedback letter will be TWO – THREE paragraphs in length (no shorter, no longer).

You should spend the first TWO – THREE SENTENCES on what is working well in the story. The rest of your feedback should offer constructive criticism. For the constructive criticism, you should:

Focus on the following areas of the story that need revision:

PLOT: Is the plot organized? Could parts of it be expanded upon or condensed? Which events in the story would you change and why?

CHARACTERS: Are there interesting characters in the story that are developed, rather than just flat caricatures? How could the character be more developed? Do you, as the reader, have a stake in the main character and their goal?

SETTING: Is the setting of the story clear? Are there detailed descriptions of setting that
communicate a specific mood/tone? Do the characters and plot accurately reflect the setting? How can setting be improved upon in the story?

POINT OF VIEW: From what point of view is the story told? (1st Person uses I, and 3rd
Person uses he and she.) Does it stay consistently in this POV? Is this the right POV for the story?

VOICE/STYLE: What suggestions do you have in regards to the narrators VOICE? Does the
writer have a pleasant STYLE? Does the writer use vivid words and language to make the story come alive to you?

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feedback letter


feedback for this short story.(attached below)

Your feedback should be respectful, thoughtful, and specific

Your feedback letter will be TWO – THREE paragraphs in length (no shorter, no longer).

You should spend the first TWO – THREE SENTENCES on what is working well in the story. The rest of your feedback should offer constructive criticism. For the constructive criticism, you should:

Focus on the following areas of the story that need revision:

PLOT: Is the plot organized? Could parts of it be expanded upon or condensed? Which events in the story would you change and why?

CHARACTERS: Are there interesting characters in the story that are developed, rather than just flat caricatures? How could the character be more developed? Do you, as the reader, have a stake in the main character and their goal?

SETTING: Is the setting of the story clear? Are there detailed descriptions of setting that
communicate a specific mood/tone? Do the characters and plot accurately reflect the setting? How can setting be improved upon in the story?

POINT OF VIEW: From what point of view is the story told? (1st Person uses I, and 3rd
Person uses he and she.) Does it stay consistently in this POV? Is this the right POV for the story?

VOICE/STYLE: What suggestions do you have in regards to the narrators VOICE? Does the
writer have a pleasant STYLE? Does the writer use vivid words and language to make the story come alive to you?

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feedback letter


feedback for this short story.(attached below)

Your feedback should be respectful, thoughtful, and specific

Your feedback letter will be TWO – THREE paragraphs in length (no shorter, no longer).

You should spend the first TWO – THREE SENTENCES on what is working well in the story. The rest of your feedback should offer constructive criticism. For the constructive criticism, you should:

Focus on the following areas of the story that need revision:

PLOT: Is the plot organized? Could parts of it be expanded upon or condensed? Which events in the story would you change and why?

CHARACTERS: Are there interesting characters in the story that are developed, rather than just flat caricatures? How could the character be more developed? Do you, as the reader, have a stake in the main character and their goal?

SETTING: Is the setting of the story clear? Are there detailed descriptions of setting that
communicate a specific mood/tone? Do the characters and plot accurately reflect the setting? How can setting be improved upon in the story?

POINT OF VIEW: From what point of view is the story told? (1st Person uses I, and 3rd
Person uses he and she.) Does it stay consistently in this POV? Is this the right POV for the story?

VOICE/STYLE: What suggestions do you have in regards to the narrators VOICE? Does the
writer have a pleasant STYLE? Does the writer use vivid words and language to make the story come alive to you?

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feedback letter


feedback for this short story.(attached below)

Your feedback should be respectful, thoughtful, and specific

Your feedback letter will be TWO – THREE paragraphs in length (no shorter, no longer).

You should spend the first TWO – THREE SENTENCES on what is working well in the story. The rest of your feedback should offer constructive criticism. For the constructive criticism, you should:

Focus on the following areas of the story that need revision:

PLOT: Is the plot organized? Could parts of it be expanded upon or condensed? Which events in the story would you change and why?

CHARACTERS: Are there interesting characters in the story that are developed, rather than just flat caricatures? How could the character be more developed? Do you, as the reader, have a stake in the main character and their goal?

SETTING: Is the setting of the story clear? Are there detailed descriptions of setting that
communicate a specific mood/tone? Do the characters and plot accurately reflect the setting? How can setting be improved upon in the story?

POINT OF VIEW: From what point of view is the story told? (1st Person uses I, and 3rd
Person uses he and she.) Does it stay consistently in this POV? Is this the right POV for the story?

VOICE/STYLE: What suggestions do you have in regards to the narrators VOICE? Does the
writer have a pleasant STYLE? Does the writer use vivid words and language to make the story come alive to you?

this is not a research paper

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Lesson Plan Feedback

You just completed my last order about 40 minutes ago and I believe this one goes alongside with it.

Allocate at least 2 hours in the field to support this assignment.

Review your completed Preparing for Assessment Lesson Plan with your mentor teacher and discuss what changes he or she thinks you would need to make in order to deliver this lesson plan to his or her students.

In your review, discuss the topic and content of the lesson plan and review the benchmark assignment, from this course, with your mentor teacher. You will be expected to execute an assessment plan in your mentor teachers classroom, and can only do so in collaboration with your mentor teacher.

Using any remaining field experience hours, assist the teacher in providing instruction and support to the class.

Based on revisions discussed with the mentor teacher, revise your lesson plan. In addition, summarize your discussion and lesson plan revisions in a 250-500 word reflection. Be sure to explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

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Health Care Professional Feedback

Present a health care problem analysis proposal to a practicing health care professional, obtain feedback, and gain approval for the data review project. Negotiate changes to the project scope, focus, or execution based upon the professional’s feedback. Submit the revised and approved proposal with an addendum summarizing the feedback received.

The ability to articulate the potential impact of a project in a concise manner to project stakeholders can impact the successful implementation of any change initiative. The successful outcome of a project depends upon your ability to communicate effectively and to prepare for meetings with important stakeholders.

This assessment is crucial to the success of your health care problem analysis proposal. It provides an opportunity to refine your project proposal and to incorporate feedback from a practicing health care professional. The feedback meeting represents an opportunity for either a one-time or ongoing contact with the practicing health care professional. The health care problem analysis project is designed to add value to a selected health care organization while addressing your professional development goals.

Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Evaluate problems in health care organizations, and apply tools to improve quality and outcomes.
Negotiate changes to project scope, execution, or focus, based on feedback solicited from the health care professional.
Obtain approval for a proposed project.
Competency 2: Analyze foundational elements of the U.S. health care system.
Identify the appropriate health care professional in an organization from whom to seek approval for a proposed project.
Present a project proposal to the selected practicing health care professional.
To successfully complete this second course assessment, you will:

Integrate faculty member feedback and update your health care problem analysis proposal.
Conduct background research on the prospective health care organization.
Identify an appropriate health care professional within the organization from whom to seek approval for the proposed project.
Consider individuals with the requisite decision-making authority who are best able to provide guidance and recommendations.
Within the organization, be sure to identify a first and second choice health care professional for feedback.
Review the Practicing Health Care Professional Meeting and Project Approval Guide [DOCX] before contacting the selected health care professional.
The information provided in this document will help you to prepare for the meeting, present the health care problem analysis proposal, and obtain approval for the project from the health care professional. The resource document provides guidance, recommendations, and examples that are crucial for successful completion of this assessment.
Research best practices for professional communication and feedback as part of your interview preparation.
Reflect upon your experience in human services and health care administration relevant to the proposed project. Based on the ACHE competencies, is the proposed project realistic?
Prepare a list of questions to ask the selected health care professional. The Practicing Health Care Professional Meeting and Project Approval Guide offers guidance in preparing questions.
During the meeting with the practicing health care professional on the health care problem analysis proposal, you are expected to complete all of the following:

Present the proposal to the selected practicing health care professional and actively solicit feedback. Do take notes, as the feedback you receive will be placed in an addendum as part of the assessment.
Negotiate changes to project scope, focus, or execution, based upon the health care professional’s feedback.
Note:  Plan to arrive at the meeting with proposed performance indicators related to the identified health care issue. However, remember that these may change for a variety of reasons based upon the health care professional’s feedback. For example, the indicators you identified may not be included in the organization’s data sets. Or the individual may advise that different indicators may be more helpful. It is your responsibility to verify, discover, or redefine the performance indicators before proceeding with the project. Using the same performance indicators as the organization will make the final data comparison much easier.
After the meeting, you are expected to complete all of the following:

Revise the proposal based upon the health care professional’s feedback.
Please ensure that any negotiated revisions to the proposal meet the course requirements. For example, human subjects research is outside the scope of this course. 
Obtain approval for the proposed data review project from the health care professional.
Ensure the revised proposal is a collaborative effort between you and the health care professional that meets organizational requirements, such as confidentiality.
Be sure to consider your role and responsibilities with the health care professional during fulfillment of the data review project.
Submit the revised, signed copy of the proposal as the deliverable for this assessment.
Include the clients signature, title, and contact information.
Include an addendum summarizing any relevant categorical feedback offered by the health care professional.
Scan the entire revised proposal, including the signature page, and attach the file in the assessment area for Assessment 2.
Additional Requirements
Length: The topic’s nature, breadth, and depth will determine the assessment’s length. The guideline is to remain succinct yet substantive and to provide enough detail to adequately address the topic.
Font: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Format:  Submit the revised, approved proposal and the addendum summarizing the feedback received to the assessment submission area in the courseroom for Assessment 2.

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Parents have numerous decisions to make when raising a child. As an early childhood educator, you may encounter families who have views that are different from your own. Select a topic of choice for parents and discuss the positives and negatives of that choice.

Suggestions for topics include, but are not limited to:

    Scheduled C-sections
    Natural/un-medicated delivery
    Cloth diapering
    Naturopathic doctors
    Attachment parenting
    Not vaccinating children
    No/limited screen time
    Spanking as discipline

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Communication in the workplace (frequent communication, active listening, and feedback)

You will be using your critical review articles (which will be included) to write a synthesized literature review on communication in the workplace.  Remember synthesizing the implications, findings, and significance of the studies that have already been reviewed, in addition to finding 5 articles that relate to the topic.  You are identifying patterns and trends with data, congruence within the literature, and points of disagreement among researchers.  Use information provided to you in the annotated bibliography and synthesis matrix assignments when writing the literature review.  APA standards apply for organization, structure, and formatting of the paper.

1.    Refine the topic area (communication in the workplace) and problem statement from the original paper and write an introductory paragraph.
2.    Include a research question that is specific and measurable that pertains to communication in the workplace.
3.    Assemble a theoretical framework or model to help you develop a persuasive argument about your topic.  Demonstrate that you have expertise in the topic area by writing a persuasive argument.
4.    Synthesize the patterns, differences, findings, and limitations with the 20 articles that you reviewed (use the information in Part I and Part II). Synthesize relevant findings as they align with your chosen research topic.
5.    Identify a need for future research/studies based on the gap that you identified in your literature review.  Include multiple methodologies.  What types of research studies could help further knowledge in the topic area?

    Refines the previous problem statement and research question.
    Develops a research question that is specific and measurable and clearly defines and addresses a valid need area, or gap, in the existing literature.
    Demonstrates the ability to assemble a theoretical framework and write a persuasive argument on a topic in psychology.
    Clearly demonstrates expertise and mastery of the existing knowledge on the topic.
    Demonstrates the ability to organize a literature review in APA format.
    Identifies the need for future research.
    Future research ideas are based in multiple different research methodologies that can help further knowledge in the topic area.
    Citation requirements:  Minimum 15 scholarly articles published within the past 10 years (except for theory articles).
    Word Count:  4125.
    APA formatting.

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